15- Talk To Me

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"If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden."
-Claudia Adrienne Grandi

"-Claudia Adrienne Grandi

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Third Person POV

(A week ago)

Harry's nostrils engulfed the delicate hint of vanilla in the air, and with it, his brain flooded with pictures of her. Her face was just as pretty as the first day he saw her. He remembered her eyes twinkling with laughter and her teeth glistening as she smiled. So much time had passed since then, and all Harry had left of her was the occasional fleeting memory. He had lost the sound of her voice and the touch of her skin. His chest ached as he thought of what he had lost. No one had ever replaced her, and no one ever would.

It was his first week back to school, and he didn't quite feel himself. He felt out of place in a room filled with a range of hormones. He needed her. He needed to hear the sound of her voice again. He yearned for her hugs, to hear her laugh, and to see her innocent, glistening chocolate eyes. Oh, he wished that he could tease her about the way her face gets red when she is nervous or how she would pretend that she wasn't staring at him with those bright eyes. He needed to see her at least one more time. He missed her. She became his best friend after all.

He left his gloomy house to attend his friend's party. He assumed that getting intoxicated by alcohol would take off the edge, but he was wrong. Her innocent face kept lingering in the back of his mind.

His friends had been talking about a topic that he was uninterested in when he heard her voice. He looked around for the location of the sound, but he didn't quite know where to look exactly. His friend's girlfriend brushed past him and hugged a brown-haired girl. He never really noticed that she was standing there. She had that same innocent look that his vanilla friend had. Behind those large glasses, he could see the same twinkling eyes and the same shy smile.

"You look familiar." He had said it out loud and thoughtfully as he stared at the glasses girl.

She stood there, staring at him wide-eyed as if she were nervous. Harry pondered the possibility.

"She goes to our school. Of course she looks familiar." His good friend Liam said to him as he took a sip of his drink, seeming uninterested.

"Yeah, I got that. She just reminds me of someone." Harry decided to put it aside. After all, his vanilla friend told him she lived across the country.

"Maybe your mind is playing tricks on you." The glasses girl finally spoke. Harry's darted back to her. Her voice had brought back memories from Camp Musique with his vanilla friend.

"What did you say your name was again?" Harry inquired. He needed to hear her voice again, and he didn't quite get her name in the beginning.

"Ty." The glasses girl spoke. His mind went back to the time he asked his vanilla friend her name.

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