8- The Unexpected

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"There is only one kind of shock worse than the totally unexpected: the expected for which one has refused to prepare."
-Mary Renault

"-Mary Renault

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I never thought that this year's camp would be totally different than usual. I'm extremely happy that Harry is here, but it just meant I had to put in more effort for myself in the mornings. I have this urge to impress him with everything I do.

After our agreement that we would get to know each other without holding back, I decided that it was best not to tell him that I attend his school, Gold Valley High, and that I see him every day. He never noticed me before, and I don't want him to feel like he has to talk to me when we get back to school.

It would end up being a burden on his reputation there, and I would feel heartbroken. I'm the cliche, unpopular nerd, and he's one of the popular guys. We all know that those two pairs aren't a good combination. I don't want to put him in that uncomfortable situation, so I decided to refrain from telling him where I live and which school I attend.

"So which school do you attend, Ms. Tiger?" He finally questioned me. We were walking to the music cabin to start the day's activities with the Scarlets.

"Oh, um, I'm homeschooled." I lied.

"That must be a bore for you. Being trapped inside your house. Not being able to get the high school experience." He said it to me thoughtfully. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Well, it's not like I'm missing out on anything major." As I think about it, it would've been easier for me if I was homeschooled. I wouldn't be bullied at home.

"What about the school dances and all that? Don't you girls love that kind of stuff?" He cocked his head to the right. The wind blew my hair, covering my face, and went into my mouth as I was about to answer. I brushed it out with my fingers and stopped at the door of the music house, turning to Harry.

"I guess it would be fun, but I think I would probably end up sitting at a table by myself while everyone else is busy dancing with their date." I chuckle. He took it as a joke and gave a chuckle of his own.

"Yeah, right." He sighed with sarcasm.

"Which school do you attend?" I asked, scoffing at myself inwardly.

"Gold Valley High." He answered.

"Isn't that the art school?" He nodded. "What are your majors?" I inquired.

"Rhetoric and Composition and Studio Arts." He answered. I opened the door to the cabin to see all the scarlets on a rampage. One kid fell over the cord the piano was attached to. While a group of kids were on the guitars and drums restlessly playing with them, Other kids were running around the room, screaming at each other.

"Scarlets!" I tried to get their attention so they would stop. They didn't hear me. I walked closer to them and yelled, "Scarlets!" They have never been this hard to settle. I wondered what they ate for breakfast.

Vanilla Girl (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now