36- Arrangement

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"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up."
-Neil Gaiman


Well, today is Friday.

This week has been very hard but very beautiful at the same time.

Harry said he dealt with the Gretchen situation, but that didn't stop the dirty stares I received from her. I also received a few vile stares from the girls in my class and out. They all have a thing for Harry, so I would expect the raging jealousy they're feeling. They never really liked me as his best friend, and now that I'm his girlfriend, I can just imagine how they're feeling.

The bell rings for lunch, and as I step around the corner of the hallway, I spot Harry talking to two girls at his locker. A goofy, mischievous smile appears on my face as I run towards him. I would feel jealous that he's talking to other girls in front of me, but I've gotten over that feeling since yesterday. He planted a full-blown kiss on me yesterday in the middle of a crowded hallway in front of everyone, and that, well, made my confidence level go up a couple notches.

I launch myself at him and jump on his back, taking him and the two girls by surprise.

"Guess who?" I sing in his ears, making him flinch. He bursts out laughing when he hears my voice. I jump off him, and he turns to face me.
My breath catches in my throat at his breathtaking smile. I reach forward and place my index finger in his dimple. It's become a habit for me to do so since I've become his girlfriend. I feel more comfortable doing stuff that I was too scared to do when I'm with him.

"Tiger." He grins as he leans forward and plants a kiss on my forehead. "Let's get some food."

We walk off hand in hand, leaving the two girls in complete shock.

A voice then comes over the intercom. "After a strenuous amount of practice, the showcase of the Grease musical will be next Monday at three o'clock. Tickets will be sold at the front desk."

"I wish I could sit and watch the musical with you, but in this case, I'll be watching you up on stage, and I'm not complaining one bit." Harry says this beside me.

"I won't technically be on stage. I'll be sitting with the band below the stage."

"That's not what I heard." He chuckles.

"Harry, what are you talking about?"

"Sadie refused to do the musical because of personal reasons, so they're now in need of Sandy."

"So where do I come in all of this?"

"Well, I heard Gretchen nominated you to be Sandy since you're there during rehearsals and know her lines and all that. No one complained. In fact, Mrs. Penelope agreed on it."

"What!" I feel as if I'm about to faint. Me, play Sandy. The lead. Sing in front of almost the entire school and in front of Harry. Not going to happen. "Don't I have a say in this?"

Harry shrugs his shoulders. "You'll be fine, Tiger. You know almost every line in Grease, and I have heard you sing before. You have an amazing voice."

My face burns from embarrassment. "I can't do it." I stop walking as I feel a panic attack coming on. "I can't do it, Harry."

"Tiger, you'll be fine." He shrugs his shoulders once more.

No matter what anyone says, I am definitely not playing Sandy. Over my dead body.

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