5- Pulsating

377 62 27

British slang note: 'getting pissed' - getting drunk.

"When it comes to making friends, it is never about how many that you have, but about the kind of energy that they bring. Please choose wisely."
-Edmond Mbiaka

"-Edmond Mbiaka

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It's the last day of school for the week. Lia, Cooper, and I are sitting at our usual spot in the lunchroom.

"There's this party tonight at Liam's place. You guys are coming?" Cooper asks us, then takes a big bite of his pizza. That's his third slice.

"Definitely. We'll be there." Lia clasps her hands together and grins.

"We?" I manage to say this with a slice of tuna sandwich in my mouth. Very classy, Tiger.

"Yes Ty." Lia looks at me sternly.

I gulp. "I have a study session scheduled." I complain. Parties are definitely not my thing, even though I have never been to one. Drunk hormonal teenagers in one space. No thanks.

"Do you schedule the time you study?" Cooper looks at me incredulously.

"Yes. Don't you?" I baffle.

"She is very special, so she does things a little differently. You'll get used to it." Lia pats his back, then turns to me.

"Cancel it. You can study Saturday night. You are coming to this party. No excuses. This is our last year in high school, Ty. We have to make it count." Her eyes glaze with determination.

"We'll go shopping after school and find you the perfect outfit." Lia grins mischievously. More clothes? Haven't we bought enough already?

"Wait, Ty, is this your first party?" Cooper's eyes widen.

I turn crimson from embarrassment. Silence means yes.

"Well then. You're getting pissed tonight." He gives me a lopsided grin.

Lia looks at both of us with pride. She wraps both her arms around us, pulling us in. "This is going to be so much fun, you guys!"

"No kidding." Cooper laughs. "Whenever Liam hosts a party, the entire school shows up."

I unwrap Lia's hand from around my neck. "What did you just say?"

I look at him wide-eyed. "The entire school?" My jaw drops.

"Close your mouth, geektard. I want to eat without being grossed out." Sadie snarls at me as she comes into view, holding her tray of lunch. It always amazes me how smooth her voice is, but at the same time, it is filled with disgust. She and her minions scowl at me. My mouth shuts immediately, and I sink into my seat.

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