40- Truth Comes Out

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It was the end of the grease play. Sadie took her spot as lead, and she did her part perfectly.

We were all now at the "after party," as Louis called it, at Liam's house.

It's been a while since the whole gang has been together. Honestly, I'm nervous.

I still haven't spoken to Harry about the engagement with Sadie or the fact that I cheated. Sadie was also going to be at the party, and that, to me, was added pressure.

"I don't know what to do, Lia." I take a sip of my wine. Lia sat next to me, holding her own glass of Riesling. We were alone in the kitchen, and I took this as an opportunity to talk to her more about what's been going on.

"You have been crushing on Harry for years, and now you finally have him."

"But it's not what I thought it would be. I want him to feel the same way I feel about him. Passion. You've seen the way he kissed Galeria!"

Lia takes a big sip of her wine and refills both our glasses. "I never thought this year would end up like this for you. I think it's a good thing that you're in the dating world now. You're still learning, just like the rest of us. So the best advice I can give you is to follow your gut. Not your heart. Follow that feeling in the pit of your stomach that's telling you where you need to be."

She faces me and takes both my hands. "Sometimes, our hearts confuse us into thinking we know what love is. Love isn't a feeling. It's a verb. It's what you do."

"Sadie never gave up on you." She adds. "You said she always liked you, even before you had the makeover. How would you feel if you saw Sadie with another girl?"


"How would you feel?"

I inhale a deep breath to calm my unsteady heart. "Furious," I say through my teeth.

"How would you feel if you saw Harry with another girl?" She asks instead.

"I don't know. Sad, but if he was happy, then I would be too." I murmur.

We hear a noise coming from behind us, and Lia turns to see what it is.

"What are you doing?" She demands.

"Iris" stands immobile by the kitchen door. "I wanted to get a drink and some cups from the cupboard. But it looked like you girls were having a serious conversation, so I was kind of hesitating. I promise I wasn't eavesdropping. I've only been here for like five seconds."

"It's okay, Iris," I say. "You can come."
Lia turns her back to her.

We drank our wine quietly as Iris moved around in the kitchen. She opens the fridge for a bottle of soda.

"Thought you wanted a drink?" Lia inquires.

"Uh, yeah, I can't really drink alcohol right now," Iris says uncomfortably.

I nudge Lia with my leg to shut her up.

"Iris, is everything okay?" I ask. She's been acting weird for a while. Zayn has also been distant.

Iris gives a confident smile. "Yes, they are."


She leaves with everything, and Lia and I decide to get back in the living room before we are interrupted again.

I sat next to Harry on the couch, while Lia sat next to Cooper across from us. Zayn and Iris were huddled in the corner while Louis and Liam were pouring more drinks by the table.

"Let's play a game of Monopoly," Louis walks over and says.

"I was actually thinking we could maybe step away for a bit and talk." Harry whispers in my ear.

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