12- Adrenaline Rush

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British slang note: 'Bollocks' - untrue, that's a lie.


"Stop rushing me. I want to take my time falling in love with you."
-Ai Yazawa


"Hey vanilla girl!" I heard Harry holler.

I was helping the costume and stage decor crew prepare for the end-of-camp celebration. Looking behind me in search of the location of Harry's voice, I stick my thumb with the needle.

"Ow!" I yelped. I grabbed a cotton ball from the bunch that was being used to make clouds for stage decoration. Applying pressure to my tiny wound, I scowled at Harry, who came into view.

"You did this." I raised my injured finger.

"Bollocks, you did that to yourself." He blatantly said to me.

"Anyway, you've been avoiding me all day. I'm lonely. Come keep me company." He stuck his bottom lip out.

"I was never avoiding you. I saw you this morning during rehearsals for the end-of-camp celebration, and I told you I was going to be busy for the rest of the day helping with the costumes." I scowled at him.

He gave me a blank stare, like he didn't hear a thing I just said.

"Hey, you can go have a little fun if you want. You've helped us a lot." Sarah lightly pushed me towards Harry. Harry's face lit up.

"Yeah, let's get going, Tiger." He chirped.

"Are you sure?" I looked at Sarah and the others.

"Yes, now go!" A woman named Yvonne laughed lightly.

I jumped up with my hand, still applying pressure to my finger.

"Harry, I need a bandage first." I complained as I pried my arm away from his.

"What, for a needle prick?" He asked incredulously. "You can't be serious."

"Yes, I am. Let's go to the nursery." I walked ahead of him, but not before I saw him roll his eyes.

He grumbled to himself behind me. I shook my head and ignored his quiet complaints.

"Heya nursey," I smiled at the nurse. She welcomed me with a smile of her own.

"What can I do for you?" She inquired with a concerned look.

"Oh, I just need a band-aid for my finger, that's all." I quickly said to tune out Harry's impatient groan. She handed me the bandage, and I thanked her.

I turned around to face Harry. "You could be a little patient. What's with you today?" I looked up at him. He seemed more distracted today.

"I want to get away from here. It's been too long since I've seen civilization." He whined. "Being around children this much is too much for me."

"It's only been two weeks, Harry." My eyes narrowed as I answered him.

"Two weeks is too long." He mumbled. "Let's go for a drive." Wiggling his car keys in front of me, he grinned. This is something he planned since he already had his keys on him.

"You know we can't leave camp." I stopped walking.

He scoffed at me. "Tiger, you have to let loose a little. You follow the rules too much. Have you broken a single rule in your entire life?" He placed his hands on his hips as he looked down on me. His expression resembled my best friend whenever she tried to persuade me to go to a party with her.

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