42- Hiding

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When I entered the cafeteria a few months ago, I went unnoticed. It's crazy how changing the way I dress and do my hair can do a lot. I never wanted this attention. I only wanted Harry's. But I saw that if it was really meant to be with Harry, he would've noticed me before I had the makeover. He noticed me at summer camp, but he had me friendzoned.
So that means he never found me attractive.

Today, as I walked with Lia, all eyes were on me. Everyone knew about the breakup between Harry and me.
No one knew the real reason, so they created rumors instead. A rumor actually involved Galeria. Someone said that it was bound to happen because they saw Harry and Galeria at a restaurant that seemed like a date.
That rumor has been bothering me like a tick on a dog.

I sit with my tray of food and bite into my apple. If this rumor was true, does this mean Harry lied to me about not seeing her?
I met up with my ex and did stuff, but now it seems he did the same with his ex.
Were all my hunches correct?
I have always said he was more intense and passionate with her.

"Hey, be careful before you have a seizure."
Lia points to my leg that's currently shaking.

I stop.

"Sorry," I mutter under my breath before taking another bite of my apple.

"Hey, are you okay?" Her hand reaches forward.

I shrug my shoulders as the cafeteria door opens. Niall, Liam, and Harry walk over to our table, where they always sit.
It wasn't always like this. I look behind them to see Sadie, but they come with nothing.

Harry and I lock eyesight together, and I feel even more irritated.
Were he and Galeria together behind my back?

I bit harder into my apple as I thought back on all the days we were together. Were there signs that I missed?

"Is that blood on your apple?"

I glance up in shock and look at everyone's confused yet worried demeanor.
I cover my mouth immediately as I begin to taste the blood on my tongue.
I place the apple on my tray.

"Are you okay?" Lia asks. "You look a tad pale."

I look up from my tray as the world around me fills with blackness. I feel like drowning. All of this is my fault. I should've kept my focus on studying like I always do. I plan on going to college after graduation, and I have been so distracted by Harry and Sadie. But most of all, Harry

I got into so much mess because of Sadie and her ex. I really loved my hair, and the fact that her ex also tried to kill me is the icing on the cake.

Why does drama seem to attract me this year? I really don't get it. Senior year of all years. The year to say our goodbyes and make lasting memories Not these kinds of memories. Not heartbreak and guilt.

Tarnishing my name by cheating on Harry was something I never thought I would do. That's coming from the girl who Googled to understand human interaction.

To be honest, I still haven't quite mastered it. For one, love is new to me. I have never loved someone before or loved more than one person at the same time.

The second is anger. Feeling like I have been betrayed by Harry is lingering in the back of my mind, and that makes me wonder if everything was a lie. I was honest with Harry in our relationship up until Sadie interfered. But how long was Harry going to meet up with Galeria?

I hear them calling me out, but I can't find the strength to answer in a nice way. I have the strong urge to throw my tray in Harry's face and walk the hell out.

But I won't.

I inhale a deep breath and look at him.
He was already staring at me. Looking as worried as the rest.

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