24- Locker Room

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"Don't get love and lust confused.
Love is built on commitment and stability, but lust is highly inconsistent and it never last long."

Brittany ^^

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Brittany ^^


"So my dad was really upset with me this morning." I whipser to Lia. The teacher told us to translate an entire paragraph that's written in Spanish in groups of two. As usual, Lia is my partner.

"That's a first. What was it about?" A line appears between her brows.

"He doesn't want me dating girls. He told me to break up with Sadie." I sigh, feeling my heart break once more.

"Okay, hell no. You can't do that. You like her. For once, your life is exciting, and he wants to take that away. No no. Not going to happen." Lia says it a bit too loud. Luckily, no one heard because they were also too busy discussing their assignment or talking about other stuff.

"Zayn said I should talk to him later, if or when I see him. So I can understand where his mind is. Because he didn't really give me a reason as to why he doesn't want me dating girls." I tell her.

"I was surprised that you called Zayn for help. Harry and Sadie looked upset. Sadie, I get it, but Harry?" She raises her brows. "He's just your friend. Why was he upset?"

"Harry and I's relationship is different now that I look at it." I ponder. It's hard to understand because we treat each other like friends, but you never see friends going out late at night in secluded places.

"Maybe he likes you." Lia's eyes glisten with hope. I know deep down she doesn't approve of Sadie's and my relationship because of how Sadie treated me back then. What Lia really wants is for me and Harry to be together, because she knows that's where my heart lies.

"As a friend, he does." I state, looking directly into her eye.

She shakes her head furiously. "Have some hope. Remember, I told you we were going to get him to fall for you? The plan is still in motion." Lia and her plans.
"You know I love you, right?" I place my hand on hers.

"I know. I love you too. But not in the gay way. I'm just putting that out there." She looks pointedly at my hand over hers. I swiftly retrieve it, laughing.

"That's not what I meant." I grin from cheek to cheek, poking her shoulder playfully. She sticks her tongue out.

"I love you. But you didn't make me intentionally. I did all on my own." I pause. "I can't make Harry fall for me. I can just continue being there as a friend. If he falls in love with me, then it will be beautiful."

Vanilla Girl (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now