13- Playing a Role

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"Is it really possible to tell someone else what one feels?"
-Leo Tolstoy

"Is it really possible to tell someone else what one feels?"-Leo Tolstoy

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What if I had told Harry the truth from the beginning? What if I had not agreed to do the makeover? My life was taking a drastic turn, along with my state of mind. I was usually more focused on my work, but now I was thinking about boys, what I was going to wear tomorrow, how I was going to comb my hair, and all that stuff. I was quite happy with the way things were going, but I couldn't help but think about the what-ifs.

Now that I hear that the musical we'll be doing is Grease, I can't help but feel nostalgic.

I was sitting patiently on the stage by the piano, waiting for the next person to audition so I could play whatever song they were auditioning for. I was never taken into consideration for any role throughout the years. They only used me for my piano skills. I didn't mind, though.

Since the drama and music clubs joined forces to make this Grease musical a success, I was busy familiarizing myself with the set list. They decided to use the band from the music club to play the music instead of playing the track. It was a more authentic thing to do, Mrs. Penelope said. She's the one directing the play.

"Okay next!" Mrs. Penelope hollered from the audience. Persons who were auditioning were seated there as well as onlookers. I saw Lia grinning at me. She said she wanted to be one of the Pink Ladies, seeing that all the leads sang solo, and she barely has a singing voice. Her audition went well for the role of Frenchy. They'll be posting who made it tomorrow all around the school.I saw Liam, Louis, and Niall sitting in the audience as well. They were all waiting on me. We planned on going to Liam's house for game night. It's the middle of the school week, so I wasn't really up for it. I had to get some studying done, but Lia and Niall insisted I come. Cooper went home earlier because he wasn't feeling well. Too much pizza. That's what I said. As for Zayn, Iris, and Harry, I had no idea where Harry was, and neither did his friends. He's been pretty distant, so I couldn't get the chance to talk to him. It's like he was avoiding me, and seeing that I sit with his friends now, it seemed as if he were avoiding them too. But we all knew that wasn't the case. Louis kept bugging me about the idea that I should go talk to him, but whenever I spot him, he is with some girl. He would see me standing close by, calling him over, but he would just ignore me and give the girl(s) attention. Zayn and Iris went home together. I came to realize that they only valued each other's company. I guess being in love like that means you don't see the need for anyone else that much. Only your significant other I wish I had that.

A girl comes running on the stage, front and center, with dark brown hair.

"Hello, my name is Maverick Day, and I'll be auditioning for the role of Betty Rizzo." The girl announces. Maverick is Niall's ex-girlfriend, who cheated on him. I turn my gaze to Niall, and he's staring at her, seeming uncomfortable. As if sensing my eyes were on him, his now cloudy eyes met mine. He gives a hesitant smile. I sigh and give Maverick my attention, who was asking for it.

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