37- Harry and I

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Harry has been acting weird ever since he spoke to Sadie.

"Is everything okay, Harry?" I asked him.

"Why wouldn't it be? I have you by my side, don't I?" He replied. I chuckled a bit at that because it sounded like a line Edward would've said to Bella or Augustus to Hazel. It's all just a bit surreal at the moment, and I know he's hiding something.

The only question is, why?

"I'm a bit confused, I must admit that."

I turn to my dad with my eyebrows furrowed. "Why are you confused?" I cock my head to the right.

"Aren't you gay?"

"Chadrick." My mother drew a sharp breath. They've been standing in my room for the past fifteen minutes as I straightened my hair for my date with Harry.

"Dad, I'm not gay." My cheeks burned in embarrassment.

"Bisexual then?"


"Chadrick!" My mother gasps at his straightforwardness.

"Now hold on, I have a right to know, don't I?" He shrugs his shoulders in innocence. "So uh—" he clears his throat.

"–are you?" He finishes.

"Maybe I don't know, dad. I haven't given it much thought. Now, please, can I get ready in peace?"

"So he's your boyfriend now. Harry Styles," my mom grins in excitement. "He's really handsome, don't you think so, Chad?"

My face becomes a deeper shade of scarlet.

"I should have a talk with him before you two leave." Dad's tone is protective.

"D-dad I don't think that's necessary. You two have already met." I begin to whine.

"He was just your friend then. He's the boyfriend now. He should know what's expected of him." He folds his arms. My mother gives a sigh as she notices my face in a panic. She walks over to my dresser and looks at me through the mirror.

"You look beautiful, Tiger," she says, placing stray hair behind my ear.

"Mom, tell him not to be that kind of dad you hear about in movies who chases their daughter's date away. I really love him."

"Love? Already? Isn't that too soon?" My dad's voice pitches.

"Remember, it took you only a week to tell me you loved me." Mom gives a cheeky smile in his direction. My father clears his throat as he turns away from her gaze in embarrassment. From where I'm seated, I can see the light pink painted across his cheeks. He reminds me so much of myself at times; it's scary.

The doorbell finally rings, and I jump up immediately as I see Dad run out ahead of me. I quickly grabbed my bag and chased after him, but I was too late.
The one and only Harry stands by the door frame, greeting my father with a handshake.
His eyes drift to the stairs and stop at the soles of my feet. It travels up my calves, passes my peach-colored dress, and then locks his enchanted gaze with mine.

Harry has looked at me this way before, but there is something behind his eyes I can't quite pinpoint. It made goosebumps rise across my arms and my stomach roll, and trust me, it wasn't because I was starving.

"Harry," I breathe as I unconsciously smooth over my dress and fluff my hair. I feel a hand on my lower back.

"You two should get going," my mother says cheekily beside me. "I'm sure you're starving," she adds only to me.

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