1 - Who am I?

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  I'm Athanasia!

  A famous actor.

  My Father Claude is a business man.

  I've been thinking...

  Who am I...?

  And the more I think...

  The more I can't recognize myself...

  I'm an actor...

  What's my personality?

  I don't know anymore...

  I feel like I'm being another me...

  Like somehow...

  I'm not myself...

  I'm some picture perfect person...

  "We need Athanasia on scene!" The director called.

  'Well... That's my que...' Right now we're acting a show called 'Lovely princess'.

  "3... 2... 1...." Snap!

  I dropped on my knees..

  'Cry...' As if on command tears started running.

  "What will it take for you to love me?" I grabbed the guys pants.

  "Should I become like Jennette?" I said my brain imagining a image of Jennette.

  'Tighten your grip...' And just like that on command my body moves.

  "If I do, Then will you call my name dearly like you do her's"

  'Lift your head up' I followed my thoughts.

  "And watch me with warmth in your eyes?"

  'Look at him in the eye...' My second voice was like my commander.

  When I'm acting she tells me what to do and my body follows...

  "Will you hold me in your arms..."

  'Pause for awhile...'

  "Without pushing me away?"

  'Act hurt...'

  "Such a thing won't happen untill the day I die."

  'Widen your eyes and let more tears flow'

  "Why is that?"

  'Look away from him and look infront of you.'

  "I'm your daughter too father."

  'Now look up again.'

  "I was by your side longer then Jennette."

  "You fool."

  'Widen your eyes and act like you've just been struct by lightning'

  "There was never a day I considered you my daughter."

  'Let go of his pants and put your hands below you.'

  'Cry more...'

  "And cut!" The director called.

  'Stop crying get up and smile.' On command my tears stopped as I heard people rushing towards me.

  "You ok Athanasia?" The person I was acting with asked.

  'No why would I be?' This time it was my thoughts not my second voice.

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