68 - Celebration (Happy new year)

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"Athy, did you know 2022 is coming?" Felix asked me as I sat at my desk.

"I know. My documents all have dates of course I know." I replied.

"Are you not going to celebrate?" Felix asked.

"Felix you know I don't normally celebrate." I replied.

"Maybe it's time to make a new normal" Jennette cut in.

"No. I need to finish this first." I replied.

"If you don't go home by 10pm today I'm calling Lucas." Jennette added.

"What's Lucas going to do?" I said.

"Probably carry you out of your office bridal style." Felix replied.

Silence fell in mine and Jennette's office for a moment

"He won't do that...." I replied sounding unsure.

"Athy you are the most sure of herself person I've ever met. That fact that your using the tone of 'Right....?' says that you know he will do it." Felix said.

"But that's irresponsible! I need to finish these!" I rebutted.

"You mean papers that you need to hand up? BY NEXT WEEK?" Felix corrected.

"It never hurts to be too ready." I replied

"What are you going to do Jennette?" I asked changing the topic.

"I'm going to celebrate the new year with Felix and lily." Jennette replied.

My phone which was on the table buzzed.


Athanasia, mum said that you should invite Jennette,
lily and Felix to come celebrate the new years with us.

"Lucas just texted me. Do you guys want to all celebrate at miss aurora's house?" I asked while texting back.

I'm guessing you don't like this idea?

"I'll have to ask lily, it's probably going to be a yes since she miss mara." Felix answered.

No. I just wanted it to be you and my family...

"I'll go if Felix and lily go." Jennette said.

Is mara not included?

"Jennette how did today go?" I asked putting down my phone and ignoring Lucas for now.

Today was Jennette go do all the meetings while I just stay in the office day.

I want to know how she handled it.

"It went surprisingly well! I'm ashamed to admit but I liked it." Jennette said.

She was always a bit of an attention seeker.

So her liking the meetings where she gets alot of attention did not surprise me.

"That's good." I replied.

"Felix, I want you to set up a meeting with the head of design." I said.

"It's for the new Christmas set launch." I added

"Yes athy." Felix replied getting to work

"Athy what time is it?" Jennette asked me.

"Like...5 pm... Why?" I asked.

"Shoot I'm late! I told lily I'll help her with the cooking!" Jennette said in a panic.

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