46 - Guilt tripped

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  "Kiel!" I screamed as a crowd of people seperated us.

  'Ugh... Where do I find him now!' I thought.

  This date was supposed to be perfect!

  'Athy! She'll help me!' I took out my phone and dialed her number.

  'Come on pick up...' I thought as I wondered aimlessly.

  'Where is she...' She didn't pick up so I called again...

  And again...

  And again...

  But no one picked up.

  The more I called the more my hope seemed to go out.

  I wanted to cry...

  My eyes stang as I hopelessly wondered through the carnival.

  'Athy... Kiel... Help...?'


  'Finally! Got away from jennette.' I didn't wanna come here...

  But I didn't want to disappoint athy...

  So I didn't bother wearing anything to hide my identity...

  So that someone would drag me away and I wouldn't have to deal with Jennette.

  I like her as a friend.

  Sister at best.

  But nothing more then that.

  I knew this was going to make her misunderstand things between us so I wanted to run.

  'Where did Lucas and Athy go...?' I thought.

  I didn't know why athy didnt help me when I got swarmed.

  I figured she would since...

  That's her...

  But I didn't see her...

  'Where would she be....?' I wondered around.

  Getting recognized was something I didn't mind.

  "Athy!" I said as I spotted her.

  "Kiel!" I heard Jennette.

  I could recognize her voice from a mile away.

  I didn't have time to think so the first thing I did was run.

  "Kiel!" Her voice only got louder which meant she got closer.

  'How is she even keeping up?!'

  Jennette didn't go to the gym she didn't even do diets.

  She was just blessed!

  I took a peek behind me and saw she was wearing shoes that had a roller under it that was retractable.

  'When did she even learn to use those!?'

  She was never good with anything!

  When I tried teaching her how to roller blade she kept on falling and crying.

  I guess this shoes are easier but still!

  Where did she learn!

  "Caught ya!" I heard her before I felt the impact of her tackling me.


  I was pined under her.

  "Finally... Stop... Running away!" I heard her scream.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now