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  "Kir, come and do the dishes." Miss Aurora called.

  "Ugh... I'll be back" Kiran said leaving me and ruby.

  "Ru" I called ruby.

  "Ru...?" She raised an eyebrow.

  "One who is like a scholar. That's what Ru means. It has a Chinese origin." I said.

  "Why do they call you Mara?" Ruby asked me.

  "Don't they know it means bitter?" Ruby continued.

  I shook my head.

  "Ru is talking about the Hebrew origin. Miss Aurora and athanasia are talking of the Arabic origin which means joy." I explained.

  "I see... " Ruby said nodding.

  "Mara doesn't have good meanings sometimes. There is a Mara who is the goddess of death and Mara in Japanese means witch, demon, evil sprit. But Mara is Greek also means eternally beautiful and in polish it means Goddess of winter and death" I said.

  It was my nickname so of course I researched on it.

  "Why did you call me a scholar?" Ruby asked me.

  "Because Ru talks formally and knowledgeable which sometimes also comes of as boring. That's was mara calls Ruby, ru." I explained.

  "Do you have to insult me?" Ruby asked.

  "Ru called Mara's name as bitter. So tell me Ru who really started the insult here?" I asked back.

  "Fair point." Ruby said shrugging her shoulders.

  "What does Ru do when Ru is bored?" I asked her.

  "I like to draw." Ruby replied.

  "Can Ru draw something right now?" I asked her.

  We were still at the dinning table.

  "No, I'm afriad I'm not in the mood to draw and that reduces the quality of my drawings." Ruby replied.

  "Ru sounds like she just doesn't want to draw." I told her.

  "So what if I don't?" Ruby asked.

  "It means Ru is a coward who is afriad of failure." I said smiling at ruby.

  "Your annoying." Ruby told me.

  "Mara is annoying? If mara is annoying then what is Ru?" I asked her.

  "Productive." Ruby answered.

  "Oh wait! That word might be to big for that brain of yours." Ruby said.

  "Ru do you have the habit of talking to yourself? Because you are doing that right now." I replied as I smiled sweetly at ruby.

  "Geez! I left for a few minutes and you guys are clashing again!" Kiran came back.

  "Sorry Kira, Mara just can't take someone who is so clingy to athanasia." I said.

  "You are preposterous." Ruby said scoffing at me.

  "Why do I feel like I babysitting a couple of brats?" Kiran said.

  The air suddenly felt cold.


  Kiran is mad...

  "First Lucas leaves without telling me now this?" He mumbled.

  I had to options.

  Go to my room untill Kiran calms down.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now