Bounus chapter - Book and homework

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  "I got an A!" I cheered jumping up and down showing my excitement and not caring if people were looking at me.

"Good job mara, why don't you go tell kir." Auntie aurora said to me not looking at me and making sure she doesn't burn the food.

I nodded and started running upstairs with a smile on my face.

"Kira!" I shouted slamming open his door maybe accidentally breaking it but I don't even care right now.

"Can you spare my door?" Kiran asked me as his green eyes looked up from his book closing it with one hand.

  "Can you spare my door?" Kiran asked me as his green eyes looked up from his book closing it with one hand

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  "I got an A!" I squealed completely ignoring his complain.

  "Okay, so..?" He asked looking completely uninterested and more annoyed then anything else.

  "I improved from a B." I stated trying to get him to say at least a good job.

  "Okay, can I please continue with my book now?" He asked me still uninterested.

  How dare he- hmph!

  "Fine. Mara knows kira doesn't want to be distracted from his book." I said pouting and closing the door while storming downstairs.

  I sat on the couch and pouted knowing Kiran won't even come down to comfort me since he wasn't done with his book.

  He probably is finding me very unreasonable as I speak.

  I think he's more unreasonable!

  Seriously who goes into their house with their shoes on and sprints into the room for a book!? 

  Well okay maybe I would dash into the house for a book...

  But I won't wear my shoes!

  Maybe I'd throw them to the side at worse.

  Knowing him he'd come down after he was done with his book then he would have completely forgot or barely remember me even going into his room.

  Then again he is sorta why I got a A for English.

  But still.

  Imma sit here and be mad and wait for him to notice.

~Kiran POV~

  Damn it ara.

  I can't focus now...


  I can even guess what's she's doing right now.

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