37 - White dog

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  "Mara! Jennette! Dinners ready!" I yelled from downstairs kitchen.

  I had cooked some fried rice with shrimp, sausages, mushroom, carrot, broccoli and soya sauce.


  Because Jennette said she wanted something tasty with soya sauce.

  The only other option in my mind was sushi.

  "Wow! It smells so good!" Jennette came down first.

  "Sissy! What did you cook?" Amaranth came down second.

  Father was staying at work for some reason.

  Which is great for me!

  "Fried rice." I replied sitting down.

  Amaranth sat in the middle but when Jennette came Amaranth looked unhappy.

  "Mara, let's switch places." I suggested which Amaranth nodded.

  Jennette didn't notice what was actually happening.

  Now it was Amaranth to my left and Jennette to my right.

  We ate dinner as usual.

  In silence...

  Other then Jennette clanging the utensils against the plate it was silence.

  This was why I found Lucas home so...


  My house was like this...


  I finished first and washed my plate.

  I watched as Jennette finished and just left to go upstairs saying "I'm going to sleep, goodnight!"

  "Here." Amaranth finished took Jennette and her plate to the sink for me to wash.

  "Thank you Mara." I said washing the plates.

  "Your welcome Sissy." Amaranth cheered.

  "Go brush your teeth then go to sleep first okay Mara?" I said washing the pan and other equipment I used to cook.

  "Yes sissy." Amaranth replied walking up the stairs.

  I finished my washing up and went upstairs.

  The Aircon in my room was already on.

  I saw Amaranth sound asleep.

  I went to brush my teeth and showered.

  My second voice dressed me in a long dress that was white in colour.

  It had long sleeves and zero pattern.

  Then I saw my phone buzz.

  'its probably lucas.' I thought picking up my phone.


Hey athanasia you free tomorrow?

No. Ijekiel asked me to hang out.

Why did he ask you to hang out.

You seem to really dislike ijekiel.

He looks stuck up.

Your probably the first person to say such a thing about ijekiel.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now