Bounes chapter - Kiran jealous?

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  "Uh- Amaranth, that's your name right?" A boy with black hair and pale blue eyes.

  Lena's brother as mara recongized.

  "Amaranth is mara's name. Does Leon has business with mara?" I asked.

  "Yes, the math teacher told me to ask you for notes since I missed this week's class." Leon said to me.

  "Oh right! Leon had high fever, is Leon okay now?" I leaning closer to see if he was fine.

  He backed away and his cheeks became red.


  Why was so much blood flowing to his cheeks?

  What did they call this again...

  It's called blushing right?

  "I-im fine! Ca-can I just have the notes?" Leon asked looking away.

  I nodded.

  "Does Leon need help understand mara's notes? Mara doesn't know if Leon can understand them, mara also won't mind staying back to teach Leon." I offered.

  "No! It's fine, I'll understand them." Leon said.

  I nodded taking out my notes and passed it to him.

  He rushed out of the classroom.

  'Does he hate mara? Why did he run like I was a parasite?' I thought to myself.

  "Ara." I looked up and saw Kiran standing against the door.

  "Kira, I'm almost done packing give mara a moment." I told him quickly sweeping my books.

  "Who was that ara?" Kiran asked me.

  "Leon, he was sick last week so he asked mara for notes." I told Kiran as I picked up my bag and slinged it over my arm.

  "Yet he was blushing as if he was asking for your hand in marriage." Kiran mumbled.

  "What does Kira mean?" I asked.

  "Nothing, you won't understand." Kiran told me.

  I pouted as I followed him.

  "What's up with kira, acting like an adult." I said.

  "What's up with Ara, acting like a child." Kiran rebutted.

  Is Kiran mad...?

  "Is kira mad?" I asked.

  "If I said yes what would you do?" Kiran asked suddenly stopping and turning around.

  I stopped and thought about it.

  I smiled as I figured it out.

  I tackled Kiran with a hug.

  He stumbled back a little but was fine.

  "What are you doing?" Kiran asked me.

  "Giving Kira a hug. Sissy told me hugs help the human body release something...  Mara doesn't remember anyway! A hug relaxes the other person." I explained.

  "I see...." Kiran replied hesitantly returning my hug.

  "Is it working?" I asked looking up at Kiran and making a puppy face.

  Kiran sighed.

  "Yes, now we have to go before ma thinks we are kidnapped." Kiran told me as I relaxed him.

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