12 - Lucas

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After giving myself a 10 minute pep talk that there was no way he knew me I came out of my dressing room.

  The dress wasn't extravagant compared to the rest of the dresses on set but it was still annoying.

  'How is Jennette even liking these...' I looked infront and there stood Jennette the main star of the show because she wined about it to Father.

  She was laughing and twirling around in the dress like she was having the time of her life.

  "Athy!" I didn't notice that someone was running up to tackle me with a bear hug.

  'Wake up! It's Helena!' my second voice told me making me more alert of my surroundings since my second voice had been quite for the past 10 minutes which was weird...

  "Heli." I said returning the hug.

  Somehow her bear hug only made me step a few steps back but it didn't make me topple over.

  "Are you excited for the shoot today?" Helena asked.

  Helena was only here to stand around as one of the audience for the debut ball.

  But still she was always hyper about any shoot and shared my love for acting.

  "I guess... Though I still need to memories a few lines..." I said scratching my neck.

  'Why did you admit you have a flaw!' my second voice scolded me and I coward only just noticing my mistake.

  "Eh!?! This is the first time your unprepared!" Helena exclaimed and did a dramatic faint.

  Helena and I are quite well known.

  I was well known since I was good at acting and have a decent appearance.

  While Helena is known for her huge green eyes that made her look very cute, she's amazing at shy or little sister characters.

  Amaranth is quite a fan of her's always saying how Helena looked so cute, which would aggravate Jennette to a huge extend.

  When me and Jennette first started acting people always compared Jennette's angelic face to Helena's baby doll face.

  Jennette was quite mad about it since she hates being compared...

  Well more like she doesn't like to be compared to someone who's better then her.

  "Come-on let's go talk about Jennette's mistakes." Helena whispered in my ear as she giggled and dragged me to sit down on one of the chairs.

  "My daughter you say?" The guy's voice played as a voice over

  I have to admit while looking at this story I can't help but see myself in my character...

  Ironically lovely princess seemed like my life...

  The camera turned to where a few people were standing pretending to gossip.

  The camera then zoomed into where Jennette was standing with her back facing the camera, Roger who's name isn't really Roger but that is Kiel's father's name was standing on Jennette's left while kiel himself was standing on her right.

  Both Kiel and Roger bowed slightly as Jennette curtsied.

  "You see that? She's not holding her dress properly it's supposed to be held by the tip on both sides but she's holding it like she's holding a cloth" someone beside me spoke I turned and saw it was Lucas still has he's red eyes.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now