42 - Wanna go on a date?

971 61 87

  'Ugh!' I groaned as my eyes opened.

  I waited 3 hours.

  3 Whole slow hours!

  For athanasia to text me!

  I was tired.

  It may have only been three hours but I cannot afford to go of my sleep schedule!

  It causes me to get extremely tired...

  "Luke! Kir! Wake up!" Dad yelled from downstairs.

  'Damn it!' I cursed.

  I was not happy.

  I was pissed.

  I got out of bed.

  "I want you boys down in 5 minutes!" Dad yelled.

  'I should shower...' I was in a terrible mood and I probably looked like a mess.

  'Shower in 4 minutes...? Sure!' I quickly showered.

  "30..." I came out from my room as dad started counting down.

  I had a black T-shirt that went below my waist.

  Along with some dark blue pants.

  I had a white towel on my shoulder with my hair still having water droplets dripping off it.

  I walked down the stars while still drying my hair.

  Kiran zoomed past me.

  'Welp... Guess I have to be the one to wash the dishes...' I sighed looking at my family who all are smiling at me so sweetly.

  Especially dad.

  "Thank you for doing the dishes today!" They all said at the same time.

  'Ugh...' I frowned and sat on my chair next to mum.

  "Luke. Did you shower today?" Mum asked me.

  I knew I had to think through whatever I say.

  When I'm pissed I tend to just throw it on whoever is close to me.

  "Yes. I stayed up late, I feel horrible so I thought takeing a shower might help." I replied.

  What was my first thought to reply?

  It was "Duh! Dont you have eyes to see?"

  I'm not a irrational person.

  Though I have irrational tendency's.

  I know what I do and when I do it.

  "Eat something brother. It will help you feel better." Kiran told me.

  Mum had cooked sandwiches with ham and scrambled eggs and lettuce.

  "Brother. I'll wash the dishes today." Kiran told me as I bit down into my sandwich.

  "No need." I replied Kiran.

  "Lucas, why did you stay up late?" Dad asks me.

  'Because athanasia didn't say anything and it felt strange to sleep not telling her 'Bye'!'

  "No reason." I replied.

  Dad, mum and Kiran talked while I stayed quiet trying to tame my own anger.

  I finished my food and placed the dish at the sink.

  I started washing the dishes.

  One by one mum, dad and Kiran placed the dishes down too.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now