35 - Something on each other

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  "Athanasia!" The director called for me.

  'Huh...!?!' I snapped out of my daze from looking around for Lucas.

  '"Yes director?"'

  "Yes director?" I asked walking up to him.

  "Can you see if Jennette's double looks enough like Jennette, you know her best." The director pointed to the side where I saw someone getting dressed.

  I walked up to her and scanned her up and down.

  She looked nervous.

  "This is your first time acting in this big of a show as the main character right?" I asked her.

  "Y-yes..." She nodded her head.

  'Jennette's hair is a little bit longer.'

  "Excuse me miss? Do we have a longer wig?" I asked and the hair stylist and prop team looked around.

  "Just relax... Have you ever met Jennette?" I asked.

  "I've only seen her in shows." The person replied as her wig was being removed.

  She had dark brown hair.

  Darker then Sir Ace's.

  But not black like Kiran's

  It was quite short long barely at her shoulders.

  "She's always smiling. She's naive and innocent." I described.

  "Put yourself in her shoes right now..."

  "Imagine where you are happiest and most relaxed..." I said as another wig was being attached.

  "When you've got that image in your head, open your eyes." I told her.

  She opened her eyes and she was smiling like how Jennette always smiled.

  "Perfect!" I said clapping.

  "Thank you." She replied keeping her voice soft.

  In the corner off my eye I spotted lucas.

  "I have to go now. Take care." I said turning my feet.

  "Lucas." I called not wanting to raise my voice and disturb the people around us.

  Lucas didnt even look at me he just kept walking away.


  "Athy!" I felt someone wrap their arms around my neck.

  'Its Helena'

  "Helena." I called tapping her hands so that she would let go of my neck.

  "What going on?" She asked me.


  "Nothing." I replied.

  "Come on! What wrong with you and Lucas?" Helena asked.

  '"I said it was nothing."'

  "I said it was nothing." I replied.

  "Meanie! Fine! I'll ask Lucas!" Helena pouted and walked towards Lucas.

  "Athanasia?" Ijekiel popped up infront if me.


  "Yes?" I asked.

  "Lena needs help with her script. She says she lost it." Ijekiel said pointing to Lena behind him who was frantically looking around.

  'Am I the prop manager?'

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now