64 - First horrible day

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  "Good morning everyone." I greeted all the board members.

  "I'm sure we have all heard the news of Claude De Alger obelia's death." I said making sure my voice was loud and stable.


  "I thank you all for being here on such short notice, but I feel it is a need for me to announce that from now onwards the company is going to be run by me, athanasia de Alger obelia, daughter of Claude De Alger obelia and Jennette de alger obelia, daughter of Claude De Alger obelia." I said.

  Immediately rejection came in.

  Stay calm...

  Your a natural leader...

  Imagine it...

  "I have a question." Someone raised their hand.

  Fake it till you make it...

  Easy for me...


  "Who's support do you two have to run the company?" They asked.

  '"It was written in Claude De alger obelia's will"'

  '"It was written in Claude De alger obelia's will"'

  "Do anyone of you two have degree in business."

  "No we do not." I replied keeping calm as they chattered.

  '"However, Claude De Alger obelia trusted this company to us. I'm sure you all have trust in him. And would respect a dead person's wish enough to follow it."'

  "However, Claude De Alger obelia trusted this company to us. I'm sure you all have trust in him. And would respect a dead person's wish enough to follow it." I sent a cold look to everyone in the room.

  Stay in control...

  "I see no objections?" I said making eye contact with everyone.

  No one said a word.

  Pretend like you know what your doing...

  "If that's it then this meeting is officially ended." I said dismissing everyone.

  Do what your best at...

  Faking it.

  I sat there at the head of the table as the board members moved out one by one.

  "Wow..." Jennette said her first word.

  "Did I do okay...?" I asked.

  This is strange..

  This is the first time im uncertain if I faked it well...

  "You were amazing!" Jennette cheered.

  "Jennette, I suggest you go now. Your late to the shoot." I said.

  Jennette's eyes widdened and ran out of the room.

  Oh shit! She was going to drive!

  "Jennette! Lucas is downstairs. Tell him to drive you. If he rejects tell him that I said it." I yelled and heard a OKAY.

  I went out of the meeting room and went into the main office.

  It was almost entirely black.

  There was a long desk with two black chairs.

  One for me and one for Jennette.

  To my right was a resting corner which is the side I'm further away from.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now