10 - Miss Robber

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  "Brother!" I heard the door open which meant Kiran was home from taking a walk around.

  Apparently he wanted to know what his surrounds were like which I guess I quite understandable.

  "Kir so did you have fu-" I stopped mid way scentence as I looked at Kiran who had a bandage on his left knee all the way down to his feet.

  "How badly did you fall!" I said immediately inspecting his injury that was already bandaged.

  "I just tripped over a rock! The bandage is from Miss robber." Kiran said causing me to tilt my head and raise a brow in confusion.

  "Miss Robber?" I asked.

  "Yeah! There was this... Lady? I assume she's a lady due to her voice and body but she was in all black! I couldn't see her eyes,hair,mouth basically her entire face! So I call her miss Robber!" Kiran replied with a 'duh' kinda face.

  "Did you thank her?" I asked kneeling on one knee so that I was around his height.

  "Yes!" Kiran replied knowing that if he said no he was going get a scolding from me.

  "Luke! Is kir back home?" Mum screamed from the kitchen.

  "Yes! Kir is back home but it seems like he fell quite badly." I said as Kir sighed as if telling me 'you shouldn't tell mum that I fell!'

  "He'll be fine! He's not a girl! Plus if it were something very serious you would immediately alert me. Can you guys go to the shop? The list is on the coffee table in the drawer." Mum ordered.

  "Yes mum" Me and kiran said at the same time as I went and grabbed the lost from the drawer.

  "Brother! You forgot your contacts." Kiran reminded me.

  "Again!? Ugh! I'm so not used to wearing these.

  After several attempts I managed to get the contacts onto my eyes.

  "Come on let's go. It looks like it's about to rain..." I sighed as I stuffed my feet into my shoes and took off to the shops.

  I'm Lucas a well known actor.

  Known for my handsome look.

  Devilish grin.

  Messy raven hair.

  Ruby red eyes.

  Beauty mole.

  And of course amazing acting.

  My dad's called Ace.

  Tall, green eyes and dark brown hair.

  A business man.

  My mum is Aurora.

  She's a part time worker at dads office and also has her own online shop that sells custom made tags.

  You can request it in any style shape or anything.

  You name it she does it.

  "Brother! Look!" Kiran said as we arrived in the shop.

  Immediately he went wild and went to look at...



  Literally there are toys here and he wants books!

  "Ok you pick one. And I'm warning you only ONE book while I go get the rest of the things we need."

  Surprisingly mum's list was quite short.

  'Ill get a few extra apples..' I thought as I placed a few more apples in my basket.

  "Kir? You picked your book yet?"

  "Yes! Come on I don't wanna get wet!" Kiran complained he held my hand and we stood in que.

  "Miss robber?" Kiran suddenly said.

  'Miss robber? As in the one who helped him with his leg?'

  "Kir that's enough don't disturb other people!" The I told Kiran as I turned around to her? Him? And flash an apologetic smile.

  "She's the person who I told you about!" Kiran said tugging my sleeve.

  "I see..." I replied to Kiran as I turned to face her.

  I saw how her eyes scanned me up and down as if checking me out.

  'I know I'm attractive but at least put some effort into hiding the fact that your checking me out?'

  "Thank you miss for helping this brother of mine. I hope he hasn't troubled you too much and please forgive his language." I said bowing down

  'She seems like one of those crazy creepy fans... Better get out of here the sooner the better...'

  "It was no problem!"

  "If you forgive me I think me and kir have to go home now." I said as I made my quick escape.

  "Hey brother doesn't she sound familiar?" Kiran asked me.

  "A little bit but let's not think too much into someone who seems like a crazy stalker?" I said as Kiran lightly hit me.

  "Brother tells me to be kind yet he himself insults someone who helped me." Kiran rebutted.

  We spent the rest of the walk back arguing about Miss Robber.

  "Fine! I'll TRY to be nice to that crazy creepy stalker."

  "Why are you being so mean to Miss robber! Plus if you blame her for checking you out I thought you liked people staring at you?" Kiran continued as I opened the door.

  "There's a difference! I don't mind being stared at if they looked like they were trying to hide it but she just did it out in the open!" I said.

  "So... Are you kids going to keep arguing about this 'Miss Robber' person or come greet your dad?" Someone interrupted out argument.

  "Dad!" Kiran said his whole face lighting up and he went and gave dad a hug.

  "Just came back?" I asked.

  "Yup! Finally finished it with those horrible, sinister, sneaky, sly people." Dad said smiling.

  "Where's mum?" I asked.

  "She's preparing something she says "Its for tomorrow's family excursion"" dad said faking a high pitched voice.

  "Honey~ I heard that~" Mum replied from the kitchen with her sugary sweet voice which meant only one thing.

  "Your sleeping on the couch." Mum said and dad sighed running his hand through his hair.

  "But I just came back from a business trip!" Dad whined as he went to the kitchen.

  "Oh poor thing you must be tired! So tired that you should just lie on the couch and stay there the whole night! Since I'm sure your soooo tired that you don't have the energy to walk up the stairs!" Mum replied as both me and Kiran looked at each other and sighed...

  'He's not gonna get out of this one...'

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now