21 - Sir Ace

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  Lucas was looking at me with a semi glare as if telling me to stop picking a fight.

  Kiran was slurping his noodles having no care about the tension in the room.

  Suddenly Miss Aurora broke the staring contest and started laughing.

  'huh...?' I looked at her like she grew another head...

  "Oh my god! My stomach hurts from this. My child! I forgot you had so much guts, so straight forward too!" miss Aurora said between her laughter.

  'Forgot...? Did I know them before...?'

  'Shit! I didn't notice I was being rude!'

  "I'm sorry! I didn't notice I was being rude!" I bowed down and sat down.

  "It's fine my child, I hadn't had that good of a laugh in a long time!" Miss Aurora said wiping her eyes as if she laughed so hard tears came out.

  "Even with me...?" I looked at the door and saw a tall, dark brown and green eyed man enter.

  I stiffened.

  'Get up now down and greet him.'

  I got up bowed down.

  "Good afternoon Sir Ace." I greeted.

  "Dad!" Kiran called.

  "Dad." Lucas acknowledged.

  "Athanasia!" Sir Ace called as if he's super familiar with me.

  I ignored it and just sat down.

  "It's been so long since we last saw each other. What's with calling me sir Ace." Sir Ace whined as he took a seat on the opposite of miss Aurora.

  'Huh...?' I looked at Lucas who shrugged at me.

  "Also even though I don't appreciate you challenging my wife like that, I have to admit it was impressive." Sir Ace said as Miss Aurora got up and placed the food infront of him.

  "What do most people do?" I asked continuing to eat Miss Aurora's noodles which I admit was quite nice.

  I forgot what it was like to enjoy a food, I just ate for survival not because I was craving anything.

  "Most people fall for it, or they will unwillingly do it." Kiran said as if he was admiring that.

  'I guess this is something their whole family can do.'

  "On top of that my child, you stared straight at me and didn't give up, most people who stare at us back down." Miss Aurora praised and sat back down continuing to eat.

  'This is weird... I feel so comfortable around them... Heck! I even dared to disrespect a adult!' I noted down that I may have somehow knew them before.

  Everyone started eating.

  "Dad, How's your deal?" Lucas asked.

  "It's going well, I'm just waiting for Sir Claude to sign the paper." Sir Ace replied as he ate.

  "When did you give it to Father to sign?" I asked

  "Yesterday." Sir Ace replied.

  "Why do you ask? Do you know why he isn't signing?" Sir Ace asked.

  Normally Father signs within a day.

  "Father is currently probably at the hospital since Jennette got into an accident, yesterday he was... Busy." I said as I ate.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now