33 - What did I do wrong?

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  "That little girls your sister isn't she?" Lucas asked me.

  My whole world stopped.

  I stopped providing air to myself.

  'Breath. Say "You goggled about me right?"'

  "You googled about me right?" I asked managing to pull myself out of my moment of time freeze.

  "Yeah..." Lucas replied nodding his head as if saying 'So.....?'

  '"Then you would know I'm an only child."'

  "Then you would know I'm an only child." I said.

  "That's what the media says." Lucas replied.

  '"So why would you think Amaranth is my sister?"'

  "So why would you think Amaranth is my sister?" I asked.

  "Well... A. The obelia eyes. B. The same hair colour. And... My mum knew your mother when she was pregnant with your sister. So she told me about it." Lucas continued.

  'Shit. If he says anything about this... Mara might have to be announced!'

  "You will never speak a word about her being my sister." I said getting up from my chair.

  "Got that?" I asked.

  I felt my eyes light up and glow.

  "What will you do if I say something?" Lucas asked back grinning.

  He looked so smug as if he thinks I know nothing about him.

  "What if I told the whole world your not sir Ace's child?" I asked.

  Immediately Lucas sent his chair flying backwards and grabbed me by my collar.

  My hood fell off revealing my blond wavy locks.

  I wasn't really scared of him for some reason.

  If anything I was mesmerized...

  He's eyes were glowing red.

  "How did you find that out?" Lucas growled.

  I grinned.

  He was mad.

  "I have my ways." I replied.

  "Spit it out now." Lucas threatened.

  "I suggest you don't treat me like this." I whispered.

  "After all, you don't want a word about this to get out." I said.

  Lucas grip losened and stepped back.

  "Why did I even ask you to hang out in the first place..." Lucas ruffled his hair.

  "Why are you so bothered by it anyway?" I asked.

  "Non of your damn business!" Lucas snapped as he walked out of the library.

  'Hood! Up now!' My second voice reminded as I put my hood up and looked outside.

  'Shit!' the camera was pointed right at me.

  'Go to him.' my second voice told me.

  I walked outside the library and walked towards the person.

  '"Excuse me? Sir?"'

  "Excuse me? Sir?" I asked the person who jumped.

  "M-Miss athanasia!" The person stuttered.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now