55 - Truth & Playdate

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(Life: Everyone give a huge round of applause to Jmdqueen20! Who has made me write 6K+ words! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter because I spent the whole yesterday and today writing this. I am never writing something this long ever again. And jm, I hope your happy. Because I am going to sleep!)


Lucas sighed at my response.

"I'll tell you everything later." He said.

"My husband.... Sadly he managed to put himself in jail... Again..." Miss River sighed.

"What did he do this time?" Sir Ace asked.

"He decided it was a good idea to light another person on fire." Miss River said.

"Why am I not surprised..." Lucas face palmed.

"Do you need help taking care of ruby?" Sir Ace asked.

"As embarrassing as it is to admit this... Yes..." Miss River sighed.

'He doesn't seem to mind that ruby is the child of his wife's ex husband...'

"Which is why I wanted to meet you today!" Miss River clapped her hands.

"I'm very busy tomorrow so I was hoping you could take care of ruby...?" She asked.

"Sure... I dont think My love would mind." Sir Ace replied.

"Great! I'll drop her of at your house tomorrow. Also, Ace look at the proposal I gave you. Bye!" Miss River said going away...

'That has got to be the weirdest exit...'

"Lucas what are you doing here?" Sir Ace asked Lucas.

"I wanted to take Athanasia out on a date after she gave you the bento." Lucas said.


"Really? Then don't let me disturb you. " Sir Ace rushing us off.

"So..." I said after we walked out of the office building.

"Shh." That's all Lucas told me...

'Whats wrong with the guy!'

I followed Lucas.

He walked... Into a playground..?

"Did you like holding my hand so much that your forgot you were holding my hand?" Lucas asked.

"What about you? I don't see you taking you hand away from mine." I said back.

"Because I don't want to." He replied.

He sat on one of the swings letting go of my hand and gestured me to sit on the other.

"Don't worry. I didn't set some weird trap." He said but I didn't even hesitate.

I sat down beside Lucas.

There was no one else on the playground.

It was just me and him a swing some slides at the back with monkey bares and a Roundabout.

We both set there in silence and Lucas started to swing his swing

"My father's name... Is Duncan." Lucas started.

(Life: to any Duncan's reading this please don't be offended.)

"He and my mother met a little bit after mother met my dad." Lucas said.

"Dad confessed to me that he was absolutely heart broken when mum chose that bastard over dad." Lucas chuckled as me mindlessly swinged.

Back and forth...

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now