3 - Kiran

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  'Bow down and say "Yes Father."'

  "Yes Father." I replied bowing down.

  'Why am I always the one who has to do this...' I sighed in my brain as I walked up to the door to go outside.

  'Hopefully I won't be surrounded by people...' I thought it was unreasonable to send me to go grocery shopping when I am a famous actor, literally almost everyone knows my face...

  'Put your hood up.' I followed my second voice and put up my hood hiding all my hair.

  But then again there's no way Father him self was going to go, he would definitely not send his favourite 'Child' and Amaranth is to young and cannot be known...

  Leaving me to be the one who goes out...

  Have I tried to reason it out...?


  My second voice tells me not to so... I don't...

  But logically in my head Jennette should be the one who goes out.

  She isn't that popular plus she only got the lead role this time because she whined and cried to father about it...

  According to her "The role was made for me! It's literally my name!" That was her argument.

  The show we are acting is called 'Lovely princess' so I can't argue with the fact that the show was literally staring her life.

  At first the role was given to me but Jennette was unhappy with it so I had to reject it.

  The director told me "why not try out Athanasia? I mean other then the name similarity your the only one on set that can cry instantly.".

  And that's how I'm acting a support role.

  Which is quite acrute to my own life.

  After all...

  Good can't exist without evil right...?

  'There's a little boy in front of you kneel down and ask him what's wrong.' my second voice suddenly spoke breaking my train of thoughts.

  I looked up and I saw a boy with pitch black hair that was long enough to be tied into a little pony tail and green coloured eyes.

  'His eyes are green! That's so rare!' My mind was in awe of this little boys eye colour as I approached him

  "Hi there." I said muffled through the mask I was wearing for the sake of not getting recognized.

  I truly started looking at the boy he hugged one of his leg which seemed to be bleeding while his other leg was stretched out.

  'His leg is bleeding.'

  "What do you want..." The little boy said trying to be intimidating.

  'What do I do...?'

  'Ask him if he's ok.'

  "Are you ok?" I asked reaching for my black purse which hung over one of my shoulders.

  "Don't you have eyes to see?" The boy snapped at me.

  'He looks like he fell on the road.' The path way is made of hard uneven concrete which hurts quite alot should anyone fall.

  "Plus who the hell are you! You look like some robber!" The boy said.

  I mean he wasn't lying, I was wearing a black colour hoddie that went below my hips and the hood was up on top of that I wore black sweat pants and sunglasses with a mask on.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now