62 - Hand

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  "What do you mean?" I asked as I looked at the police.

  "He died from falling down the stairs." Felix said.

  The police looked semi apologetic.

  "Yes, falling down the stairs was a part of why he died but... We believe he was also murdered." The police man told me.

  "Is that why the house was boarded up?" Lily questioned.

  The police nodded.

  Why was he murdered...

  Who would murder him....

  He may have been a horrible father but I do not wish this fate on him.

  "Thank you... Please find the suspect sooner then later." Lucas said.

  The police dismissed themselves.

  We were in the hospital standing beside his corpse.

  He was covered with a layer of white cloth.

  The nurse told me his face was unrecognizable.

  "Dad..." Jennette sobbed.

  I had cried for a good few hours already.

  My eyes were still slightly puffy and my voice was horse.

  Other then that I was fine.

  "Jennette..." Ijekiel said affectionately hugging Jennette.

  It didn't look like the hug of someone in love though.

  More of a brotherly hug.

  "Felix, can you get lily out of here? I don't think this is good for her health and child." I said.

  "Okay, Lucas bring athy back home." Felix demanded.

  "But the funera-"

  "I'll handel it... You have enough on your plate." Felix said exiting and talking lily with him.

  I nodded thankfully.

  I was tired.

  Mentally and physically.

  It was around...


  I think...

  I don't even know anymore...

  "So... You gonna walk or am I going to have to carry you?" Lucas said making me look at him.

  "Carry me." I said.

  Lucas looked suprised.

  "Are you having a fever?" He asked putting his hand on my forehead.

  "No. Just tired..." I replied shooing away his hand.

  Lucas didn't hesitate and picked me up bridal style.

  I was tired.

  I was drained.

  My brain wasn't working.

  "Just sleep." I heard Lucas say as I snuggled closer to his chest and closed my eyes.

~Lucas POV~

  I really thought she was crazy for a second when she suggested for me to carry her.

  I mean yes I suggested it but I was expecting her to deny it.

  But I didn't mind...

  I don't mind carrying athanasia.

  It's not like she was heavy like some others.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now