43 - Preparation

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  'Pfft!' I held in my laughter as I overheard Athanasia and white doggy's conversation.

  If that was planned by the other her.

  I must say that was brilliant!

  If it wasn't planned.

  That that was hilarious!

  "There." I said as I completed Jennette's hair.

  "Wow! Thank goodness your here Lucas. The hairstyles was sick today." Jennette told me.

  "Lucas? Are you done with Jennette's hair?" Athanasia asked me.

  "Yes." I replied as Jennette stood up and did a spin.

  "Good. Now please do 'Claude's' hair?" Athanasia asked.

  "He isn't even having his wig on." I sighed.

  "Help him find his wig?" Athanasia suggested as I sighed and nodded.

  'Whats going on now...'

~Jennette (POV)~

"Jennette." My sister, athy called me.

  "Whats the matter athy?" I asked her turning around to face her.

  "The double date. We can do it today right?" Athy asked me.

  'You mean...'

  "You managed to get Kiel to come!?" I asked athy.

  She knew I liked Kiel.

  "Yeah. So... Can we go later today?" Athy asked me.

  "Yes!" I screamed.

  I saw how everyone looked at me for a moment.

  Did I care?



  I've been a huge help to the flim.

  They won't fire me.

  Plus Kiel is more important.

  "Jennette, any clue where we should go?" Athy asked me.

  "Maybe to a carnival...?" I suggested.

  In most movies most guys bring girls to carnivals or restaurants.

  "Okay. I'll book some tickets." Athy said.

  "What should I wear..." I asked athy.

  Knowing her she'll wear something white or grey.

  That's all she wears.

  "If it's to a carnival... Something casual?" Athy suggested.

  'Casual.... Uh...' I thought for awhile.

  "Jennette. I need to go help 'Claude' I think he misplaced his wig." Athy said excusing herself.

  'I can't wait!' I thought to myself as I prepared for my next scene.

~Timeskip (Athanasia POV)~


  "Lily." I called as she picked up her phone.

  "Yes athy?" Lily picked up.

  '"Can you take care of Mara today?"'

  "Can you take care of Mara today?" I asked.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now