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"Sissy?" Amaranth called as I opened the door.

Non of the lights were on.

"Mara? What are you doing?" I asked.

"Mara was waiting for sissy." Amaranth said.

I only just noticed that she was wearing her sleep wear and hugging a pillow.

"Come on. Let's put you to bed..." I said holding Amaranth's hand.

"Ok..." Amaranth replied rubbing her eyes.

It was hard to see but I could manage.

"Sissy... Mara made a friend today..." Amaranth told me as we walked up the stairs.

"Oh really? What's their name?" I asked.

I figured Amaranth probably had a nightmare.

Her eyes were semi swollen and her voice seemed off.

"Kiran... He had black hair and green eyes." Amaranth said yawning.

I opened the door to my room and gently pushed Amaranth into my room.

"How was he like." I asked smiling.

Kiran did approach her!

"He felt different... He had some rude moments at first but after that he was quite nice!" Amaranth said getting on my bed.

"That sounds nice..." I told her.

"It was... I can't wait for school tomorrow... " Amaranth said nodding off.

"Well. Then get some sleep now. Tomorrow will come sooner." I told her tucking her into bed.

"He also called me Ara..." Amaranth said closing her eyes.

' Bring rain huh...?' I thought.

Ara meant Bringer of rain.

"I wonder what Kiran thought when he called you Ara." I said outloud as Amaranth fell asleep.

I felt my phone vibrate.

I opened my bag and checked my phone.


Hey you asleep?

Why are you texting me?

That sounds mean...
I wanted to know if your ok.


Because of the interview.

I'm fine.

Well... Here's something...

'A link...?'

I clicked on it and it led me to a fan website.

"Who the hell did he think he was asking such an insensitive question!"

"Poor athanasia... To think that her mother died and she's being blamed for it..."

The list went on.

I smiled.

I never paid attention to news about me unless it was bad news.

Feeling better?

I never even knew something like this

Duh! I have one of my own too.

I guess that's where you get your ego from?

I'm trying to be nice here.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now