44 - happy tears

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Life: I had to redo this two times! I hope it's good(especially the fluff part). Anyway! Enjoy.
(Also. Jm-sama. Hers my version of your art.)


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  "You look nice with that dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. Though I prefer your golden hair and sapphire ones." I said as she entered my car.

  "I had to dye my hair and wear contact lenses. I didn't feel like wearing a hood." Athanasia said sitting down.


  "Just don't want my hood in my face ruining the day." Athanasia replied as she buckled her seat belt.

  "So where are we going?" I asked her.

  "This carnival." Athanasia said showing me her phone.

  "Okay." I said and nodded as I started the car.

  I looked in the mirror and saw white doggos car behind me with Jennette sitting beside him.

  "Why didn't Kiel hide his hair and eyes...?" Athanasia asked a hint of disappointment and anger in her voice.

  Athanasia was looking behind.

  'Why does she always being that white dog into the topic.'

  "Our date doesn't concern him. Just ignore him." I told athanasia.

  I didn't want to be talking about that white dog.

  "You mad?" Athanasia asked me.

  'Does she not get the hint to drop the subject?'

  "No. But I will be if you keep talking about that white dog when you have me here." I replied as calmly as possible.

  "Why do I like you being mad?" Athanasia said.

  I was already driving so I had to keep my eyes on the road.

  I took a peek and saw she was grinning.

  "Maybe you like it because I'm mad for you." I said grinning.

  I'm not blind to my own feelings.

  "Are you really mad for me?" Athanasia asked.

  I sensed the teasing in her voice.

  "No. I'm not mad for you." I replied.

  "I'm crazy for you." I told her as I chuckled.

  I knew that I liked her at this point...

  Why did I like her?

  She's kind caring and sweet but at the same time she won't hesitate to give you attitude when you deserve it.

  And when I say like.

  I'm not sure if I'm saying like as a friend or more.


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