53 - thmb drive

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  " I t ' s   A t h a n a s i a   m a y   I   c o m e   i n ? "

  "You may." I heard a response and opened the door.

  "Athanasia!" He said somewhat happy.

  "What are you doing here." If I could describe his voice it would be a slide.

  Literally went from up to down.

  "Bento. You forgot it at home so I came here to pass it to you."

  His office was mainly black.

  Which made it look very professional.

  Black desk along with one of those rolling chairs.

  Two shelf's beside it that went from the floor to the celling.

  Beside me was a black coffee table with two couches around it.

  One was enough for one person the other could fit maybe 3?

  In the middle of the room was a rectangular white rug.

  I placed his bento on the coffee table.

  My eyes looked around.

  There wasn't a single security camera.

  " Do you want a drink?" He asked gesturing me to sit down.

  "Uh no need." I said waving.

  'i should stay...'

  "No I insist." He said.

  " O k a y . "

  "Um sir? Miss River is waiting for you in meeting room 2." A men came in.

  'River...? That's so familiar...'

  "What? Ugh! I need to go now athanasia. Please do not mess up my office." He said taking a few papers and scrambling out of the room.

  I fidgeted with the thumb drive in my hand.

  The moment I heard the door shut I bolted towards his computer.

  There was no one else now.

  Just me in his office.

  I opened it.

  ' Y e s ! N o   p a s s w a r d ! '

  I stuck my thumb drive into the computer.

  ' I t   w o u l d   t a k e   t o   l o n g   t o   l o o k   t h r o u g h   a l l   o f   t h e s e . '

  I copied all the flies and tried to put it in my thumb drive which had enough storage space.


  ' C o m e   o n ! H u r r y . '

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now