51 - Good mood

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"Sissy?" Amaranth called me.

"Yeah?" I asked turing over to face her.

"Is sissy happy?" Amaranth asked looking at me.

'Why is she asking this?'

"Why do you ask Mara?" I asked fixing the blanket on Amaranth.

"Because sissy looks sad." Amaranth said.

"What about Mara? Is mara happy?" I asked avoiding the question.

"Sissy... Answer Mara's question." Amaranth deadpanned me.

I giggled.

"Sissy isn't happy, sissy doesn't wanna leave papa..." I told her.

I don't see the point in lieing to Amaranth.

"Then Mara and Sissy can just stay here." Amaranth said but I sighed and shook my head.

"Sissy already got papa permission to go. Papa doesn't even want sissy here..." I said.

"That's fine." Amaranth said getting my full attention.

"Mara is here for sissy. No matter what. Wherever sissy go mara will follow. Sissy always has mara. If papa don't like sissy that's fine. Because sissy still has mara. If everyone else turns on sissy, mara will still be here. Don't forget that." She said the last part as if it was a warning.

That was the first time I saw her Amethyst eyes glow.

"Okay sissy?" Amaranth asked as her eyes glow went dimmer.

I was speechless...

Not only did Amaranth just give a whole speech.

But her eyes glowed!

"Sissy?" She asked for my attention.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Mara is here... Mara won't leave sissy... So sissy don't leave mara... Okay?" She asked.

"Sissy won't leave mara... Sissy won't ever leave mara..." I said.

My pillow felt wet.

That's when I noticed I was crying.

"Sissy happy tears!" Amaranth cheered as I whipped my tears.

"Thank you mara... Sissy is so glad your here..." I said as I pulled Amaranth closet to me.

I was glad...

I literally could cry..

Well I teachinally did cry...


Am so happy...

I just lied there with Amaranth close to me and cried.


"Are you fine with you two staying separate rooms?" I asked as we helped fix a set because someone tripped and fell which ruined it!

"We are both fine with that." She replied me.

"So that bastard allowed?" I asked her.

"Yup!" Athanasia cheered.

"Guess I lost my chance to kidnap you..." I sighed.

I wanted to make a huge epic entrance and sweep her of her feet...

"Why do you sound so unhappy? Shouldn't you be glad?" She replied.

"Yes and no. I wanted to kidnap you." I said.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now