39 - Baking time

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Title idea from AetherLumine7

  "You know there's someone to the left of us right?" I asked Lucas as he walked me out the restaurant.

  "Sigh... I should've expected this. He made zero effort to make himself not known." Lucas said as we walked to who knows where!

  "What about you, Still having red eyes right now." I told him.

  "That is my fault." Lucas admitted.

  "What do you think the news will be titled?" I asked as I saw Lucas car.

  "Mhm.. "The fight of the prince with soft charisma and the lone wolf." " Lucas named as he got into the car.

  "I think it will be something along the lines of "Who is the women who has caught the hearts of both the prince with soft charisma and the lone wolf."" I said getting into the car in the seat beside the driver seat which Lucas was already sited.

  "How long do you think it'll take to come out?" Lucas asked me starting up the car.

  "A few hours." I replied buckling my seat belt.

  This news didn't concern me since no one would know it was me since I was pretty well hidden.

  "I'm never going to hear the end of this." Lucas sighed but he was smiling.

  "Would you have prefered something like "Is the Prince of soft charisma taken: A lady caught on a date with the prince of soft charisma."" I asked.

  "No. Over my dead body." Lucas replied as he started driving.

  "So... Where are we going?" I asked.

  For all I know he could actually be kidnapping me.

  But I had a certain amount of trust in him.

  "From your face I can tell your thinking that I'm going to kidnap you. I'm not a bad guy for the millionth time! We are going to my home." Lucas replied me.

  I giggled.

  "Why are you looking at me, you should have your eyes on the road."

  "I'm not Jennette, no way I'm crashing the car especially with you on board." Lucas said.

  "Don't even bring up that... Why are we going to your home?" I asked.

  "Still up for learning baking?" Lucas asked me.

  "Yes!" I yelled.

  "I asked my mum this morning so she's going to help us bake." Lucas said.

  "How does Miss Aurora even like me..." I asked and Lucas shrugged.

  "I'm going to drive a little but faster. We have a car following us." Lucas said.

  Did I already know it was there? Yes!

  Did I care? No.

  It didn't effect me.

  "So... Going to tell me how you found out about my secret?" Lucas asked me.

  "Why should I?" I asked.

  "It's only fair since you know how I found out about your sister." Lucas reasoned.

  "There is news on when Sir Ace married Miss Aurora, it was hard to dig but I found it. Then when I realized that since your 20 , and they were married 14 years ago. So you were 6.  Miss Aurora and Sir Ace had an interview of when they met. They met 1 year before they were married which you would've been 5. So I put two and two together and figured you aren't sir Ace's child but miss Aurora's child due to the same hair colour."

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