67 - Four years

807 49 217


Hey Jennette...
Can you meet me at where we first met...?

  'Where we first met....? Isn't that just my house...?'

  "Who's that?" Athanasia asked.



  "what does he want?" Athanasia asked me.

  "Says he wants to meet me..."

  "Go ahead. I'll handle everything here." Athanasia said smiling.

  "Thank you." I said.

  I'm thankful Athanasia is always so kind to me...

  "Wait! I'm going to get Lucas to drive." Athanasia yelled.

  I giggled.

  Athanasia makes sure I don't even touch the driving wheel.

~Athanasia POV~

  "Lucas. Can you drive Jennette?" I asked.

  "When did I become a driver..." Lucas grumbled.

  "I'm sorry..." I said sitting next to Lucas who has moved from the chair that he uses to the couch.

  "Do I have the option to not be the driver?" Lucas asked.

  "Why do you complain so much when it's Jennette?" I asked chuckling.

  "Correction I complain for anyone but you." Lucas said.

  "Awe! That's sweet.... But I really need you to drive her please...." I said trying to give Lucas puppy eyes.

  "Athanasia, I'll drive Jennette as an apology." Felix said.

  I didn't even notice he came into the office.

  "What about the meetings." I asked.

  "It's fine, Lucas is here he asked me about it and I wrote him down the schedule." Felix said.

  Felix excused himself to go.

  "Who do we have today?" I asked Lucas.

  "No Daniel that's for sure." Lucas said.

  "Why do I feel like that was your only goal when asking Felix about my schedule?" I said.

  "Maybe because it was."

~ Jennette POV~

  "Morning Jennette." Felix greeted.

  "Felix! Why are you here...?" I asked.

  "Lucas wanted more time with Athanasia, so I've come in his place." Felix answered.

  I nodded.

  "So where to?" Felix asked as I followed him.

  "Dad's house." I replied.

"Okay." Felix replied as he led me to his car.

  We both got in and buckled our seatbelts.

  "Hey Jennette?" Felix called.

  "Yes...?" I answered.

  "If it's possible... Could you give Athanasia back her freedom?" Felix asked.

  I tilted my head.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now