52 - Sir Ace's office

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  It's been about a week since I and amaranth moved into Lucas house.

  At first Amaranth was dead quiet but thanks to Kiran and Miss Aurora she talks again!

  Lucas and I still text at night despite literally being next to each other.

  To my surprise when I first came my whole room.

  Was white.

  And due to how proud everyone looked I can assume they re did it to suit my favorite colour.

  Amaranth room was white too since they didn't really know what was her favourite colour.

  My room was much smaller.

  But I was much more happy with it.

  I no longer had that useless walk in wardrobe that I don't even use!

  I also wake up early...

  Like before Miss Aurora...

  You can imagine her surprise when she came down and found me preparing food...

  It's not like I cooked anything amazing...

  Just some fried rice with a sunny side up along with a tiny bowl of pasta.

  I had also prepared the bowl of apples.

  Miss Aurora literally jumped and cheered that she's no longer the only cooking person in the house.

  I guess she was tired of eating her own cooking.

  Which I never really understood since I ate for survival not pleasure.

  She might have ended up waking up Amaranth.

  But not Lucas and Kiran.

  Apparently they love their sleep.

  Amaranth walked down the stairs and just slept on the couch.

  Not used to wakimg up early.

  She's a light sleeper.


  Dont know...

  I wake up because if I don't I get scolded.

  So I dont know if I'm a heavy or light sleeper.

  I even packed lunch for Kiran.

  He wss thankful but weirded out at the same time.

  Which is understandable considering I am as good as a stranger to him...

  As the days past we made a routine.

  I would cook for one day and Miss Aurora cook for the other.

  Like a alternate day.

  And it's between the boys who does the dishes.

  Amaranth offered but Kiran immediately rejected it for her.

  I offered and was rejected by both Lucas and Miss Aurora.

  "Hey miss robber..." Kiran said rubbing his eyes an walking down the stairs.

  "Your up early." I replied and he nodded coming into the kitchen.

  "I wanted to ask you a question..." Kiran yawned.

  I turned my attention away from the ham.

  "Why does Ara talk in third person...?"


  He figured it out...

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now