Special chapter - Call

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  "Let's welcome out guest, the star and lead actress for who made me a princess, Athanasia de Alger obelia." The announcer said as I made my entry into screen.

"And the angel being rebirthed actress and business women, Jennette de Alger obelia." She said as Jennette made her way beside me.

"Now Athanasia your fiance Lucas has no clue your here right?" She asked me.

"Yup, I disconnected the TV plus made sure she can't find this on YouTube." I told her.

"And Jennette your anonymous boyfriend doesn't know your here either right?" She asked Jennette stretching her hand so that it was close to Jennette.

Jennette shook her head.

"Now let's start! Athanasia what do you think your fiance's reaction would be?" She asked me.

"Two options, either call me and ask me what happened or call her boyfriend and ask him what happened." I replied confidently.

"Ooo~ someone confident. What about you Jennette?" The announcer asked Jennette.

"I think he'll agree to meet with athanasia since they are quite good friends. I'm not sure if he will tell me." Jennette replied wearing a awkward smile.

"Okay! Let's have Jennette start the challange first shall we?" The announcer said signalling Jennette to take out her phone.

Jennette put her phone to her ear and waited as it rang putting it on speaker.

"What do you want?" Lucas grouchy and half asleep voice came through the phone shocking the announcer since no one really knew hoe his voice changed in the morning.

"I-im so sorry to disturb you but.. I got in a fight with my boyfriend and Athanasia is ignoring me a-abd I really need someone to talk to..." Jennette said muffled sobs coming through as she pretended to cry.

"What the hell did you do to anger athanasia of all people?" He asked seeming more annoyed then empathetic.

Which he probably was.

"I-i don't know..." She replied.

"You must have really done something wrong to anger athanasia, even I have difficulty doing that. And now if she comes home storming and fumming I'm coming after your head." He told her hanging up the phone.

This whole time I have been putting a hand over my mouth to muffle the laughter that was about to erupt any moment.

Jennette awkwardly looked at the screen as I felt my phone buzz.

I answered it putting it on speaker.

"What did Jennette do?" Lucas asked.

I had to take a few moments to reply so that I wasn't just laughing instead of replying.

"She ditched on me to go with that boyfriend of hers! And she didn't even tell me!" I fummed trying to stay mad but it got harder as the urge to laugh kept on rising.

"Okay, something's up. What is actually going on. You don't get this mad over that little thing." Lucas said catching me red handed.

"I'm just not on the mood to talk okay? I'll see you later." I told him hanging up the phone on him as I bent down under the table which hid me from the screen as I laughed so hard my stomach started to hurt.

Jennette laughed to but not as hard as me since we both sorta knew this would happen.

"I'm not sure if I should say that's one loyal fiance or one observent fiance." The announcer said giggling.

It took awhile for my laughter to die as my phone kept vibrating since Lucas kept calling me.

I stood back up and tidyed myself up as I coughed.

"You ready?" Jennette asked me.

I nodded.

I picked up my phone and called Luke.

One ring was all it took.

Guess Lucas was calling him before me.

Oh well, this helps me.

"What's up?" He asked.

Horrible lier.

"Hey... " I greeted trying to seem sad and hiding it.

"Okay what's wrong? First Lucas calls now you call?" Luke said.

"Lucas and I got into a little fight that's all ..." I told him.

"What did Lucas do?" Luke asked not even suspecting that I was the one who did something wrong.

Well I wasn't normally one to get in a fight so that made sense.

"N-nothing! I just... Want to talk to someone..." I told him looking to the side seeing Jennette dying the laughter that she muted.

"Give me a moment athanasia." He told me.

He had two phones. Why? I don't know.

"Hello? Lucas." We could still hear his conversation.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!" The phone shreked and I pushed my phone slightly away from me.

Jennette was already on the floor dying as you could clearly see.

The announcer just watched in shock and amazement.

"What the hell Is wrong with you dude!" Lucas voice came through Luke's phone which was heard by us.

"How did you manage to mess up this time!" Luke asked not so kindly.

"What makes you think I did anything!?" Lucas replied.

"Because athanasia doesn't pick fights unless you pick one with her!" Luke said.

This was Jennette's breaking point as her muted laughter became audible and a room that was once filled with the two boys voice of yelled at each other was filled with Jennette's laughter.

"See! I told you I did nothing wrong!" Lucas said through the phone.

"What game are you two playing..." Luke said sighing.

"Athanasia your on some TV show right now aren't you? That's why you 'accidentally' broke the TV even though you aren't clumsy at all?" Lucas guessed correctly.

"Hello guys! How are you?" I said smiling.

"Confused." Luke said.

"Annoyed" Lucas added.

I giggled.

"Don't worry about it, Jennette will explain to you. Lucas done be grumpy over this." I told him.

"Athanasia, your probably on TV right now so would you really want me to say what you know I'm going to do?" Lucas said his voice seeming to promise something that turned me another shade of red.

I ended the call and smiled trying to shake off the redness in my face.

"Someone's still red~" Jennette teased.

"Alright that's all for today!" The announcer said as my phone buzzed.

I hesitantly opened my phone to look at the message.


Hope your ready for a long night

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