9 - No way

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  "Kiran! Don't be rude!" I heard the lady snap at Kiran whom I presume is her son.

  'At least his mum has some common sense'

  "It's fine. I'm sure he'll learn as he grows." I said smiling.

  "Miss Robber you look familiar..." Kiran said leaning towards me and inspecting me.

  'Glare at him.' My second voice told me.

  And I did just that I glared at him.

  'But he's just a kid...'

  "I don't appreciate you glaring at my brother like that." I looked up and saw the guy from the market looking at me pissed off.

  'Shit...' I wanted to just bow down and apologize but I didn't.

  'Tell him "If your brother would stop calling me miss robber maybe I'll stop"'

  'I don't want to be mean...'

  "If your brother would stop calling me miss robber maybe I'll stop." I said faking a angry tone.

  "You've said it yourself, He'll learn when he grows up so stop putting the blame on a child and put the blame on yourself who can't even be mature enough to admit it when they are wrong." The guys said I swear I saw a spark of red in his brown eyes...

  "Miss robber! Are you... Athanasia de Alger obelia?" Kiran finally spoke breaking mine and this guy's fight.

  'Answer him "Yes I am so would you kindly stop calling me miss Robber now?"'

  "Yes I am so would you kindly stop calling me miss robber now?" I said in a voice that was full of resentment.

  "Nah! Miss Robber suits you better!" Kiran said.

  "Athy! We are going to be late for our shoot!" I saw Jennette in the corner of my eye.

  If not for Jennette I would've acted mad at Kiran but since Jennette spoke, I got temporarily control untill the next order from my second voice was issued.

  'Shoot? Crap! I forgot I passed out for the whole night! I was supposed to have a shoot today!' I cursed at myself.

  "So sorry I need to rush for something right now I'll come by your house later ok?" I said I saw how the guys expression turned from rage to confusion, Aurora just stood there with a polite smile an Kiran looked at me as if I grew two heads.

  I closed the door on them shouting "Sorry!" Since I knew that was rude.

  I ran upstairs I was greeted with a Felix smiling at me while holding Amaranth in one hand and my bag fully packed in the other.

  "Take it." Felix said smiling.

  "Oh my god! Thank you Felix you are a life saver, also Mara thank you for telling Felix what I usually pack!" I said as I took it as lightly as I could but ended up snatching it and running to the car.

  "Athy! Hurry we're going to be late!" Jennette said already in the passenger seat and on her phone.

  I got into the driver's seat and started driving.

  'Drive only slightly faster then usual, that was Jennette won't complain your going to make her later nor would she complain that your trying to get into a car accident'

  I followed what my second voice said.

  Not too long after we arrived at the studio.

  "Hey you two alright?" I saw kiel walking towards us as we both got off.

  More specifically walking towards me.

  'Dont answer him.'

  "Yes! I'm fine kiel!" Jennette answered.

  'Leave and go prepare for the shoot.'

  I did as my second voice to me to and left quietly.

  'I don't even know what scene we're shooting today!'

  "Director just to check we're doing the debut scene right?" I asked my brain still trying to process that it's tomorrow.

  "Uh... Yes! " The director said.

  "Thank you very much!" I said bowing down and takin my leave.

  But as I turned around I didn't notice there was someone behind me.

  'Oww...' I quitely whined.

  'Quickly apologize!' My second voice commanded.

  "I'm sorry!" I said backing up and bowing.

  "No wonder I thought I heard your name before."

  'Its him?!' I looked up and say that it was that guy! The one who looked like Kiran but had...

  Brown? Why is it red? Eyes...

  'Get your act together Athanasia!'

  "I hope you know you were in my good books since you helped my brother and I heard of what a 'savoir' you were but after I saw you glare at him like that your now on the top for people I dislike." Lucas said with a sarcastic smile.

  'show an offended face and say "Whats your problem?"'

  "What's your problem?" I asked scanning him up and down being disrespectful.

  "More like what's your problem! Do you have split personality or something? You really think I'm some 'bad guy' here? Please if someone here is being bad it's you." Lucas said sending my second voice to a stop.

  "One second you seem nice kind and maybe a little bit shy and hyper but the next second you act like a brat!" Lucas explained slightly.

  I breathed in and breathed out...

  My second voice wasn't speaking...

  I had no back up...

  I guess I really only have one choice...

  I had to be myself...

  "Listen. I don't want to fight with someone just because we started off in the wrong foot and I don't want to make a commotion. So... How about we start over...?" I asked trying to keep calm.

  "What's your name?" Lucas asked me.

  "Why do you want to know?" I asked smiling.

  "Don't be like that. I told you I'm not a bad guy." Lucas said lifting up his hands and shrugging his shoulders.

  "I'll tell you my name first I'm Lucas."

  "Remember my name for next time."

  "I'm off see you later." Lucas said going away.
  (Anyone recognize those lines...?)

  'There's no way right...?'

  'How could he tell who's me when we barely even talked!'

  'Heck even I don't know sometimes if I'm being me'

  'No way anyone knows who I really am!'

  'There's no way he knows who I am...'

  'Yup! Definitely no way!'

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now