11 - Athanasia

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  "Luke! Kir! Wake up." I heard dad yell from downstairs but I just ignored him and turned over to sleep on my left side so I was facing the wall.

  "I'm warning you that if your not up by the time I get up there, you are going to regret it!" Dad yelled.

  I felt my eyes jolt open from his warning as I quickly got up.

  As if I was on some horror show dad made his footsteps very loud.

  I ran took the quickest shower in my life and just threw on some clothes and a belt.

  By this time dad's footsteps would mean he is half way up the stairs.

  I opened my door quickly but quietly and at the same time so did Kiran.

  "Run?" I asked.

  "Run." Kiran confirmed.

  We both dashed down the stairs swiftly doing dad and sat onto the table.

  "Seems like dad has to do the dishes since he's the last on the table." Mum said while giggling.

  "Oh come on! Are you all out to get poor ol' me?"

  "Maybe." Kiran grinned and chuckled.

  "Well I suggest we get a move on before you make your big brother late." Mum said sitting down.

  "We're going somewhere?" I asked while eating mum's beacon and eggs with some apples on the side for me.

  "We are going to greet out neighbors." Mum replied.


  ~Time skip (Finished breakfast and are outside a neighbors door)~

  Knock knock

  "Hello?" A lady with brown hair that was tied in a neat bun and ocean deep blue eyes opened the door.

  "Hello! I am Aurora! I am your new neighbor! This is my son kiran my other son Lucas and my husband Ace." Mum introduced all of us.

  "U-um... Hello? I'm lily. My husband Felix is currently out." Lily said.

  "Are you ok you look pale..."Kiran asked.

  "I'm fine... Do you not remember me?" Lily asked looking at me.

  "Sorry I don't?" I apologized.

  "Then you won't remember her..." Lily mumbled which was caught by all of us.

  "Her who...?" I asked but lily just looked up alarmed.

  "Nothing! You all should get going I need to do... Something! It was nice meeting you all!" Lily waved which was a signal for us all to leave.


  "Well that was... Weird..." I said.

  "Dont be rude Luke. She might have a reason." Mum scolded me as we headed for the next door.

  "Hello?" A lady with blond wavy hair and jeweled blue eyes said with a voice that sounded fake..

  'She looks familiar...'

  "Hello! I am Aurora! I am your new neighbor! This is my son kir-"

  "It's miss robber." Kiran shouted

  'I guess that explains why she looks familiar but... I don't really know...'

  "Kiran! Don't be rude!" Mum said towards Kiran sneakily pinching his hand.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now