63 - Claude's will

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  "Why...?" I asked Duncan who was sitting on the other side of the glass panel.

  "What do you mean? Aren't you glad he is dead?" Duncan said.

  "Why did you kill him...?" I asked.

  Lucas was beside me because my own mental state cannot hold its own right now.

  "He said "She is no daughter of mine." Aren't you mad?" Duncan asked me.

  "You killed him, because he said that...?" I asked.

  "I don't get why you aren't happy!? He didn't even acknowledge you as a daughter!?" Duncan said as if I was crazy.

  "Even if he was worried killing him was extreme." I replied.

  "Why? If you dont like someone just kill them." Duncan said..

  "That's not how it works..." I mumbled.

  I had forced what was inside the box out of Lucas.

  Which may have included threats and ignoring him for a few hours.

  "I don't get it...? Shouldn't you be happy?" Duncan asked.

  "Athanasia. Let's leave. We are going nowhere in this conversation..." Lucas told me.

  "Wait! Lucas!" Duncan yelled.

  Lucas looked at Duncan.

  He was basically glaring at Duncan at this point.

  "You've forgiven me... Right?" Duncan pleaded with Lucas.

  Lucas gave him a cold expression.

  "After what you've done to mum? Dream on." Lucas spoke with words coming out like venom.

  "What...? But I helped you girlfriend!?" Duncan said.

  I flinched.

  "Were you stalking us...?" I asked.

  "Stalking? I'm just watching my son! What's wrong with that?" Duncan said.

  "I'm not your son!" Lucas spoke sternly.

  "Lucas! You can't deny our blood!" Duncan reasoned.

  "Blood means nothing to me if you can't care for them." Lucas said before he turned around and went out of the room.

  I sighed.

  Lucas hates Duncan.

  And I understand why...

  "Lucas! Wait! Please!" Duncan's pleases went into deaf ears.

  "Athanasia, you'll persuade him for me right?" Duncan asked.

  I found him pitiful...

  Just like dad...

  But the difference was..

  I didn't pity him.

  He deserved this.

  '"No, I'm afriad you'll have to do that yourself."'

  "No, I'm afriad you'll have to do that yourself" I said as I went out of the room.

  I saw Lucas at the drink vending machine getting some water.

  "The nerve of that guy to call me his son." I heard Lucas grumble.

  "Lucas. You okay?" I asked as I took his hand that wasn't holding the bottle of water.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now