41 - Pitiful

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  "Mara?" I called not seeing her in her room.

  "There you are." I said seeing her tucked into my bed and asleep.

  'I should shower.' I thought taking out clothes.

  'White oversized T-shirt and grey baggy pants.' my second voice told me.

  I finished my shower and got dressed.

  I picked up my phone and stared at it.

  'Should I text him first?'

  'Or should I wait for him to text me?'

  'Maybe I should just not text him today...'

  'But then I would have to ask him face to face...'

  'But then how would I-' the phone screen lit on and buzzed making me almost drop it.

  I caught it and let out a puff of air I didn't know I was holding.

  'Dont be so clumsy.' my second voice scolded me.

  'Sorry.' I apologized and looked at my phone.



  'I should just try and stay rational... Right.... Rational...'

I have something...

You know I'm getting tired of seeing Uh and Um's.
Spit it.

Go on a date with me?

  'Is that too foward...?'

  'Why isn't he replying!?'

Have you fallen for my good looks?

A date, as friends.

Don't be shy to admit you've fallen for my looks athanasia.

My god...
I forgot how high your ego was...

Pfft! Ok I get it!
So tell me.
Why did you actually ask me on a date.

Kiel told Jennette that he liked me.

Kiel? That's a stupid nickname.
Fitting for someone like him.

I get it, you don't like him.
But let me continue.
So Jennette may have got mad.


I didn't know what to do.
So I offered to help her get Kiel to like her.

How does this relate to this whole... Thing.

And I may have said that we can go on a double date...?

So me, you and jennette, Kiel on a date?

Yes. but we will go away and leave Jennette and kiel
to have their alone time.

I see.

So is that a yes?

Why not.

  'Ask him Why did he agree?'

Why did you agree?

Would you rather me take back my words?


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