18 - For now

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  "Ah... Ok! So you don't love her as a sister... Got it!" Lucas said.

  I felt my eyes widdened...

  He must just be very lucky...


  "Come on! You going to stand there or get in?" Lucas pulled my wrist and I felt my butt land on a leather chair.

  I noticed his car was entirely black.

  "You know. What you did back there was amazing." Lucas said as he kept his eyes on the road and started driving.

'I know my second voice is a blessing sometimes... But at the same time it's a curse.'

  '"Thank you! And I know right! I'm so good at these kinds of things"'

  "Thank you! And I know right! I'm so good at these kinds of things" I said grinning as I put on my seat belt.

  "But how did you know I'd stop that punch? From what I've seen you know how to doge." Lucas asked.

  '"I just did. Plus you seem like you care for me too much that you won't stand there and watch me get hit, on top of that I know your not the type of person to stand around and do nothing when violence is going on"'

  "I just did. Plus you seem like you care for me too much that you won't stand there and watch me get hit, on top of that I know your not the type of person to stand around and do nothing when violence is going on." I said knowing that I was sounding cocky.

  "You know I didn't know you had it in you to make smart remarks." Lucas said.

  'No... I don't have it in me to make smart remarks but... At least my second voice does...'

  '"Well guess what! I do! And I'm very proud of it!"'

  "Well guess what! I do! And I'm very proud of it!" I said my nose high in the air.

  "So... If you did it once you can do it again right?" Lucas said.

  'What's Lucas getting at...?'


  "Duh!" I replied.

  "Great! Because if you can do it again it means that it's a part if you, not someone else. It means that you can actually also do that.if you can do it over and over again it means that you have the ability to make smart remarks too." Lucas said smiling.

  'Did he just code all his words...' I was in awe.

  I realized what he said...

  And a part of me wanted to believe it...

  A part if me wanted to believe that I had the confidence my second voice did...

  That I could stand up for myself like my second voice did...

  "Why did Lena fear you so much?" I asked somewhat changing topics.

  "Like every other girl in this universe, she likes me." Lucas proudly claimed.

  "No only does she like you she also seemed to have a high amount of respect for you since she didn't want you to help her." I said speaking of my analysis.

  "I may have gotten her the role of Penelope by recommending her, so that explains why she respects me." Lucas stated.

  "I see." I replied.

  I felt a buzz in my bag.

  'Did someone message me?' I took out my phone.

  I looked and it wasn't someone messaging me but the news.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now