Bonus chapter - WMMAP meet FITYMI

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(life:Idea from rkhedr )


'Ugh.... Next time, remind me traveling dimensions is for Lucas not me...' I thought as I whipped my mouth.

'I should clean this up...' I looked around.


This isn't the emerald palace...

Wait ...

That means I traveled dimensions!?


"Athanasia your up so earl- Are you okay?!" I heard someone say.


Way too familiar...

I turned around.


Well not my Lucas but still A Lucas.

And he was running towards me

"How are you feeling?" Lucas asked me petting my back.


I heard him sigh.

"Do you not know why you vomited?" Lucas asked me.

'Does traveling dimensions count as a reason?'

I heard Lucas sigh again.

I think we were in a living room and I was on all fours whole Lucas squatted beside me.

Lucas got up.

"Here, take my hand." Lucas said.

'This is strange... My Lucas would've used magic ... But this word probably doesn't have it...' I thought.

"Come on. I won't bite... " Lucas said.

'Im so confused...'

I took the hand he offered.

Before I could say or ask anything he sweeped me under my feet and carried me bridal style.

My brain stopped.

'WHAT THE HELL!' I thought.

He was so close to me!

I mean look at his body!

Sure my Lucas has an amazing body but I can hardly see it due to his clothes.

But when being carried like this!?


"I know I'm handsome right?" Lucas told me.



I see...

Still has a narrsesistic personality...


"Where are we going?" I asked.

At this point I figured I'll just wait for Lucas to come get me.

I'm not going to risk vomiting again.

"To our room. So that you can sleep." Lucas said.


In the middle of the day....?


"Sure." I replied.

I saw how Lucas had a confused face.

"Your not going to tell me "But what about my work?" Or say "It's the middle of the day, I need to memorize those lines."" Lucas said.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now