57 - Mood swing

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  "Yes father, I understand I will fix it." I replied.

  "You better." Father's voice said.

  "I want it by this week." Father added.

  Before I could say anything he ended the call.

  'A week...'

"Well... That could've gone worst at least..." I said as I entered sir Ace's office.

  Lucas already went in.

  I hid my mood behind a blank face.

  "Why would I look at those bunch of bullshit?" Sir ace asked.

  Lucas had the expression of 'Why am I not surprised...'

  "Well you might want to pay attention this time." Lucas said.

  "Why would I need t-"

  "Top news: Sir Ace isn't the lone wolf's dad?" I recited.

  Sir Ace relax posture tensed.

  "What...?" His words were like a blizzard had just came into the room.

  "I believe you have ears to hear dad." Lucas remarked.

  "That's rude. Who the hell did this?" Sir ace asked.

  "We believe it's Duncan. The new also did say "and we have words from Lucas real father!?: Son, you've been deceived please come back to me."" I said.

  I have already memorized the news.

  "Dun fucking can." Sir ace swore.

  "They even had a DNA results on the news." I added.

  "I'm going to take the news down." Sir ace said.

  I shook my head.

  "If we do that the media will come at us more." Lucas said.

I felt like I was some sectary.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Sir ace asked clearly annoyed.

  I can see he cared alot about his family...

  "People are desperate for the truth right now. If I go on the news and talks about how wonderful of a dad you are along with Kiran I'm sure that instead of the name 'Home wrecker' you will be known as 'A hero' also I will need to talk about how horrible That bastard was." Lucas said.

  "Wow. When did you grow more brain cells Lucas?" Sir Ace asked Lucas.

  "This isn't my plan. Also I inherited my brain cells from mum." Lucas said knowing that adding the mum part with make Sir Ace unable to rebutt.

  "So it's your plan?" Sir Ace asked looking at me and I nodded.

  "It's a good plan..." Sir Ace said he sounded a little bit sad.

  "You know you'll forever be more of a dad to me then that bastard right?" Lucas asked.

  Silence was in the room.

  "That's... So sappy. Athanasia what have you done to him?" Sir Ace said looking at me.

  "Nothing." I said.

  "Geez! I try to be sweet and this is what happens." Lucas grumbled as he walked out of the office.

  As he walked out both me and sir Ace chuckled.

  "I should've had a recorder on! I could've used that against him for ages!" Sir Ace said chuckling.

  "I should probably follow him..." I said bowing down as a goodbye before leaving.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now