Bonus chapter - Jennette with who

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~Ijekiel POV~

I was finally home!

I couldn't wait to see Jennette and everyone!

I wonder if Jennette waited for me...

I went to my house and instantly fell asleep.

I tried to call athanasia but Lucas picked up.

I forgot they were fiances!

The next day I called Jennette.

"Hello, this is Jennette de Alger obelia speaking." Her voice came through the phone.

I felt so happy.

"Hey...." I answered.


"Ijekiel!?" She suddenly screamed.

"The one and only." I replied.

"You back...." She said.

"I am... Are you working right now?" I asked.

"Yes... I'm finishing though..." Jennette said.

"Okay. I'll wait for you there okay?" I said as I ended the call.

I knew she knew where there was.

I got dressed and ended up looking like I was going to a formal party and went over to Jennette's old home.

As far as I'm aware she stays with lily and Felix still.

I couldn't stop figiting.

I was so excited to see her....

~Jennette POV~

"Hello, this is Jennette de Alger obelia speaking." I said answering the phone.


This is familiar....

Too familiar...

"Ijekiel!?" I screamed startling the Luke who was currently in my office.

"The one and only."

I guess I didn't realize how much I missed him...



Why don't I feel as happy as I thought I would...

"You back...." I said.

I felt relieved.

"I am... Are you working right now?" Ijekiel asked me.

I looked at the papers on my desk.

I think I can quickly finish it...

"Yes... I'm finishing though..." I replied

"Okay. I'll wait for you there okay?" Ijekiel said ending the call.


"He hung up...." I sighed.

"What did ijekiel want?" Luke asked me.

"He wanted to meet up with me." I replied.

I continued to work.

"Jennette..." I heard Luke call me.

"I'll handle your work." Luke said.

I lifted my head up in question.

"I-ill handle your work for you... I have a business degree remember?" Luke said smiling.

"Really!? You can take my place for a few minutes!?" I asked.

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