32 - Study

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  'Take another right and you should be there.' my second voice guided me all the way to the library.

  'Lucas isn't going to be here yet since he is probably still running away from the paparazzi...' I thought as I sat down.

  'I've missed this...' I thought getting up and looking through the books.

  'Its been so long since I've been surrounded by books!' I have always loved reading!

  'Theres a math textbook here... I wonder if it's the same one as Lucas....' I took it off the shelf and flipped through it.

  'Seems easy...' I thought sitting down with the book.

  I took out my note book and began doing some of the practice questions in the book.

  "179." I heard.

  "180!" I looked up and saw Lucas sitting across me.

  "What are you counting?" I asked.

  "How long it would take for you to notice I'm here." Lucas replied.

  "Sorry... I just... Like doing math..." I said putting away the textbook.

  "I can see that... Took you 3 minutes to notice me." Lucas said taking out his textbook.

  He was wearing a dull dark blue T-Shirt with a black jacket over it.

  He had some black jeans on with a leather belt.

  He wore black headphones that were on his shoulder.

  "Done checking me out?" Lucas asked.

  "Nah! I need to take a photo so that I can remember it." I replied.

  "That's the first time someone replied that. I thought you would blush and look away." lucas said.

  "Though I will admit that you are well-built. I am not one of your fan girls who will fall at your feet." I told him.

  "Ok! Now help me with my math!" Lucas said showing me the question.

  "Seriously...?" I asked.

  This was the same textbook that I found and was doing just now...

  "I remember saying I wasn't good at math remember?" Lucas said.

  "Sigh... Just take this." I used pencil to annotate.

  "And then put it there." I circled

  "The now tell me. What do you do next?" I asked Lucas.

  "U-uh... Wait... Why did you have to do that?" Lucas asked.

  "Lucas, This question is simple. I learnt this in high school!" I said.

  "Yeah! Yeah! Your smart! I get it! Now explain!" Lucas demanded.

  "Ok. If I alone build something. I would take 3 days." I drew out a stickmen and arrowed it to three days.

  "How many days would it take if it were 3 people?" I asked.

  "9...?" Lucas said.

  I sighed loudly.

  "Lucas. Think about what you just said. If one person takes 3 days. How would 3 people work less competently then 1?" I asked as Lucas went "ohhh."

  "You get it?" I asked.

  "Yes." Lucas said doing the question.

  "Tell me that answer then."

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now