65 - Flaws

901 55 679

  A week has passed...

  A week...

  Of meetings...


  Explaining to media...

  And I feel like I've been in hell.

  Maybe because I have people trying to flirt with me.

  Maybe because I have people looking down on me.

  Maybe because I was happy with being an actress.

  I had to get Felix away from me on several occasions because I didn't want to take it out on him.

  But so far I have not blown up on Felix since the first day!


  "Sir Fenrir with all due respect. I assure you I am the CEO of this company." I said as I sat on my chair keeping my composure.

  "I'm sorry little girl, but I'm here to meet the CEO not a wanna be." Sir Fenrir said getting up from his seat.

  I hated his emphasis on little girl.

  Even if he went into the CEO office he would just see me there!

  "Felix, kindly escort Sir Fenrir to the door please?" I said.

  I know this wasn't going anywhere.

  "You can't do that." Sir Fenrir said.

  '"I am the CEO of obelia works. Athanasia de Alger obelia. I think I have every right to do this."'

  "I am the CEO of obelia works. Athanasia de Alger obelia. I think I have every right to do this." I spoke.

  "You were serious?" Sir Fenrir asked.

  "Did you think i was kidding the entire time?" I asked smiling.

  "Ugh! Fine! I'll work with you." Sir Fenrir said sitting back down.

  I think I impressed Sir Fenrir.

  Or at least met his expectations.

  "It was a pleasure doing business with you Sir Fenrir." I said.

  "It was... I apologize for my behavior earlier." Sir Fenrir said leaving the room.

  "What's next Felix?" I asked.

  "Sir Daniel's update on the sale of the dress in an hour in meeting room 3." Felix replied.

  "Do I have to...?" I asked.

  "Well technically I could just call in sick for you and get the details from him then pass it to you...?"  Felix suggested.

  I signed.

'"No... I'll go... I've been doing fine this whole week... I can do this..."'

  "No... I'll go... I've been doing fine this whole week... I can do this..." I signed again and went into my office.

  "Uh... Felix can you get me some tea?" I asked.

  "Lippe tea?" Felix asked.

  I nodded.

  I went to my seat at looked through the papers.


  I looked up and saw Lucas walking in with a tray and a cup on top of it.

  "Aren't you supposed to be on set?" I asked.

  "Yes... I may have went away for awhile... The director let me so..." Lucas said setting the tray on the table.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now