14 - Drinks

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  'Ugh! Why did I have to agree! This is so heavy!' I whined in my head as I put all the drinks on a bench at the side.

  The nearest bubble tea shop is a 10 minutes walk away from the studio.

  But never in my life has a 10 minute walk felt so long!

  'Keep on walking! You don't want those drinks to get cold.' my second voice told me causing my body to follow.

  I literally had no more strength I didn't know how I was still carrying like 23 bags of drinks!

  "I swear your as stubborn as a mule!" I heard someone say infront of me.

  I looked up and saw Lucas with a grin but this time his eyes are brown.

  "I am stubborn that I can admit. But I'm stubborn because I don't have a choice." I snapped at Lucas who laughed.

  "I'm telling you I'm doing you a favour right now." Lucas said his eyes slightly glowed red through his brown contact lenses as I felt all my muscles stop working, my legs stood rooted to the ground, my mouth to dry to form words and my whole body freeze.

  'Shit! Why does he have this stupid effect on me!'

  "... Than what do you want from me in return?" I asked not wanting to feel like I was in dept.

  "Your quite smart aren't you." Lucas said grinning.

  "You don't have to worry about that. It's quite a small issue I have no need for anything in return." Lucas said taking more than half of my load and carrying it like it's no big deal.

  'I guess his figure isn't just for show.' I smiled as I carried the remaining bags of drinks.

  "Lucas. Why do you were contacts?" I asked walking beside him.

  'I really wanna see his red eyes! It's weirdly mesmerizing.' I thought to myself the hidden meaning of my words.

  "Same reason why you wore all black causing Kiran to give you the nickname 'Miss Robber'." Lucas causally said.

  'Reply "Speaking of Miss robber. Can you tell him to stop calling me that?! It's rude."' my second voice suddenly turned on which I thought was weird since my second voice tends to keep quite around Lucas.

  "Speaking of Miss robber. Can you tell him to stop calling me that?! It's rude." I said anger lacing my voice.

  "Oh really?" Lucas asked as if challenging me.

  "Cause from where I stand you seem to not mind it." Lucas said hitting a bullseye.

  'H-how!' I was in shock and awe.

  'Groan and say "if I'd known I was going to end up here with you, I would rather have went and spent time with ijekiel."'

  "if I'd known I was going to end up here with you, I would rather have went and spent time with ijekiel." I said not meaning anything just letting the words slip out.

  "Then go befriend Whitey's if you want to so badly." Lucas said full of spite as he walked faster leaving me behind.

  'E-eh! Wait! I didn't mean it...' I didn't know why I felt some sort of dread...

  Like I wanted to run after him...

  "Wait..." I said so soft till the point where it sounded like a whisper.

  "Athy!" I saw kiel in the distance still wearing his costume coming from the same direction Lucas just walked away.

  'How did he know Kiel was coming...'

  'Reply "what are you doing here Kiel?" remember to add the smile.'

  "What are you doing here Kiel?" I asked tilting my head as smiling innocently.

  'Why do I feel like I want to get out of here...'

  "It's Jennette..." Kiel replied awkwardly looking away.

  '"Did Jennette get upset...?"'

  "Did Jennette get upset...?" I said faking concern.

  'Why did I speak all those words without thinking...' I was internally beating myself up over Lucas leaving.

  "I'm sorry." Kiel apologized.

  "How did you..." Kiel stopped midway sentence of asking me something.

  'He looks really flustered.'

  '"The only time you come out looking like this with no change of outfit is when your panicking. And the only reason you would panic is due to Jennette. So what happened?"'

  "The only time you come out looking like this with no change of outfit is when your panicking. And the only reason you would panic is due to Jennette. So what happened?" I said not actually knowing what I was saying, all that was on my mind was while my mind was Lucas.

  "Basically... Um..." Kiel started looking super embarrassed.

  "Me and Lucas got into a little debate on who would come and help you..." Kiel admitted.

  '"So Jennette got jealous?"'

  "So Jennette got jealous?"

  "Yes..." Kiel admitted with a sigh.

  '"Then your trying to find her since she ran out?"'

  "Then your trying to find her since she ran out?" I asked trying to piece together a puzzle I wasn't even remotely interested in.

  "Yes... But I also don't quite know how to comfort a crying girl..." Kiel admitted.

  'Where would Jennette have went...?' I asked my second voice now thinking that the faster I can solve this the faster I can go to Lucas.

  'Jennette would've ran home...' My second voice replied.

  'Great... Now I have to feel father's rage when I get home because Jennette would complain to father that I stole her crush since Kiel wanted to help me and not stay there with her...' I wanted to sigh out loud.

  'No. That doesn't have to happen, just throw Kiel in the lion's den let him take the bite instead of you.' my second voice said.

  "Jennette would be at home, you should go comfort her. I highly recommend it and I insist you go comfort Jennette who is like a sister to me." I said knowing that Kiel would not turn me down.

  "Huh? Ok...?" Kiel said and ran off to the direction of my house.

  'Time to look for lucas.' I thought as I ran back to the studio still had a few drinks in my hand.

  Why am I scared...?

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now