66 - Naiveness stopped?

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(life: Geez! This title sounds so boring... Any ideas? For a new title?)

"Is this prove that The lone wolf and our angel Athanasia are in a relationship!?"

"Well stay tuned to find out more."

"I guess that's what happens when I go to the set where I announced it and pretty sure a lot of people heard it." I said as Lucas took his phone which was playing the news away from my face.

"I know I told you that it's up to you when to say it but I was expecting a heads up...?" Lucas said.

"You should've just told me you wanted a head up then." I replied not looking at Lucas instead at the paper in front of me.

"So... How many?" Lucas asked me while he drank his tea.

"6. You?"

"4! Damn it. You beat me..." Lucas said.

"I have more drama going on then you Lucas. Of course they would want to interview me more." I replied.

"I don't think that's something to be proud of." Lucas rebutted.

"That is correct. Which reminds me I should probably check how Felix is doing considering he is late..." I said.

"Do you have any meetings today?" Lucas asked me.

"A board meeting for general performance of company.... I kind of really need Felix..." I signed.

"Is Jennette going to be here?" Lucas asked.

"Probably. Speaking of which, she should actually be at the door as we speak."

On cue the door opened.

"Athy! I'm so sorry that I'm 5 minutes late." Jennette apologized.

"It's fine." I said smiling.

'Thank goodness I knew she was going to be late and told her the wrong time by 30 minutes just in case.'


"Here." I pushed a few pieces of paper onto Jennette's side of the desk.

She sat down beside me.

'"That's the performance of the restaurant."'

"That's the performance of the restaurant." I said.

This was one reason that almost no one could compete with obelia works...

It has a few industrys!


More work...

"Lucas can you help Jennette." I said.

Lucas was sitting opposite me.

Lucas gave me a 'Do I have to?' look.

I smiled and nodded.

He sighed.

Felix was late...

Like very late...

And he was normally the one who's early!

I picked up my phone.

"Hello...?" Felix answered.

"Felix may I know where you are?" I asked.

"I'm at hom- wait... Shit! I slept in!" I heard Felix exclaim...

"I'm so sorry Athanasia! I swear this will never happen again!"

"Sigh..... Calm down... Tell me what happened..." I said.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now