34 - Secret

996 58 168

  Today I've learnt something new.


  Is very good at math!

  And I?

  Am terrible at it!


  I am the best at every single subject.


  This girl.

  Who only did highschool.

  Managed to beat me!

  I looked out the window...

  'Its getting late...'

  "We better go pick up our siblings now..." I told Athanasia now making eye contact with her.

  We have been followed by paparazzi.


  Because I forgot to wear my contacts!

  "What do you mean by siblings?" She asked me looking scared.

  "That little girls your sister isn't she?" I asked her

  It didn't make sense to me that Athanasia would being another child to school other then her sibling.

  "You googled about me right?" Athanasia asked.

  'Didnt she already know?'

  "Yeah..." I replied nodding my head.

  "Then you would know I'm an only child." Athanasia said.

  'Oh... That's what all this fuss is about!' I forgot that the media doesn't know she has a sister.

  It made sense why the other her was talking right now!

  "That's what the media says." I replied keeping my answer vague.

  "So why would you think Amaranth is my sister?" Athanasia asked.

  "Well... A. The obelia eyes. B. The same hair colour. And... My mum knew your mother when she was pregnant with your sister. So she told me about it." I replied.

  I saw that moment of pure panic that shined in her eyes.

  "You will never speak a word about her being my sister." She stood up.

  "Got that?" She asked me.

  Her eyes were glowing bright blue.

  And it was her speaking.

  'She really loves her sister.'

  "What will you do if I say something?" I asked back grinning.

  I wasn't actually going to tell anyone.

  I just wanted to see her reaction.

  "What if I told the whole world your not sir Ace's child?" Athanasia asked her voice going dark and cold.

  I felt my mouth dry up.

  How did this women know?

  I was worried...


  I was more pissed that she was threatening me with something like this!

  The nerve of her to even think of my family as a joking matter!

  I stood up so fast I'm sure my chair fell over and I grabbed Athanasia by her collar.

  I was pissed.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now