36 - Call

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  "Athy!" I looked behind and saw ijekiel chaseing after me.

  '"Yes ijekiel?"'

  "Yes ijekiel?" I asked.

  "Can... Can we hang out today?" Ijekiel asked me.

  He was blushing.

  'Say "Sorry. I'm busy today."'

  "Sorry. I'm busy today." I replied with an apologetic smile.

  "Then how about tomorrow?" Ijekiel asked.

  He was desperate.

  'If I go I'll end up in trouble...' I thought.

  'Say "Fine, we can meet up tomorrow."' my second voice said.

  I was shocked.

  Of all people!

  I never thought my second voice would dig my grave that she has been desperately trying to keep me out of!

  "Fine, we can meet up tomorrow." I replied.

  I didn't want to meet with ijekiel!

  A, I didn't like spending time with him since the air always feels so suffocating!

  B, it's going to make Jennette mad which would cause father to be mad!

  C, I don't want to lead him on!

  "Great! I'll pick you up after our shoot!" Ijekiel said.

  He was literally glowing!

  'Why...?' I asked my second voice as I waved ijekiel goodbye.

  'We couldn't have avoided that. Best get it over with while Jennette is still in the hospital.' my second voice reasoned.

  'I guess...' I sighed internally.

  I got into my car and started the drive home.

  When I say my car I mean Jennette's car.

  Yes! The same one that got into an accident.

  Apparently it got repaired and now I'm using it because...

  No one else uses it.

  Father has his own car.

  I felt my phone keep vibrating in my pocket.

  'I think someone's calling me...' I answered the call put it on speaker and full volume leaving it in my pocket.

  '"Hello? This is athanasia speaking."'

  "Hello? This is athanasia speaking." I said loudly making sure whoever was on the phone could hear me.

  "Athy? It's me Jennette!" Jennette was the one who called me.

  'Why is she calling me...'

  '"What's the problem Jennette?"'

  "What's the problem Jennette?" I asked.

  "Why aren't you at home... No one's home... It feels so empty..." Jennette said.

  She sounded like she was about to cry.

  '"I was at the studio. We were doing a shoot."'

  "I was at the studio. We were doing a shoot." I replied.

  "W-what!? How!? All the scenes without me were already shot!" Jennette said.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now